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The Soul of a Woman
The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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I listened to one of the 1st Zoom talks in 2020 with Isabel about this powerful book. It‘s part memoir but mostly a tribute to the resilience of women. What feeds a woman‘s soul? “To be safe, to be valued, to live in peace, to have their own resources, to be connected, to have control over their bodies and their lives, and above all, to be loved.”
I wish I could hand this book to any women young or old who still believes voting isn‘t important.

MemoirsForMe This was on my April #BookSpin list. It was too good a read to rush! @TheAromaofBooks 5mo
PurpleyPumpkin Amen to ALL of that! Sounds like a fabulous read. Stacked!📚 5mo
MemoirsForMe @PurpleyPumpkin There I go…adding to your TBR again. 😉 5mo
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TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 5mo
PurpleyPumpkin I always love your book recommendations, so thank you!😘 5mo
MemoirsForMe @PurpleyPumpkin Right back at ya! 🤗 5mo
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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I have read several of Isabel‘s books. I like her fiction and also her NF Paula, and my fiction fave was The Japanese Lover - rich and historical. This one is part memoir, but mostly political in nature. So-so for me

#ReadAway2024 Day 8

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 Her books are usually better than this one. Well done on finishing it. 👏👏👏 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Awesome! 9mo
TheBookgeekFrau I knew there was a reason I hadn't read this one. Thanks for reminding me 😁 9mo
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Eggs @Andrew65 😊🙏🏻 9mo
Eggs @DieAReader 😊🤩😍 9mo
Eggs @TheBookgeekFrau 💞💞 9mo
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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“No one can demand forgiveness of the victims of repression”

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Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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So many memorable quotes. I‘ve been only posting some of them.

Should I post more?

IuliaC Oh yes! This one is like a collection of good quotes 😊 13mo
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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“In the twenty-first century women will change the nature of power instead of power changing the nature of women.” Bella Abzug. Via Isabel Allende

Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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“Feminism … is fluid, powerful, deep, and encompasses the infinite complexity of life; it moves in waves, currents, tides, and sometimes in storms.”

The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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“I have learned that the definition of victim is someone who has no control or power over his or her circumstances”

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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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Ebook on sale for #FoodandLit Chile in November

Texreader 👍🏻 2y
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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Yesterday all my op shop dreams came true & I found metres of Ken Done for $15. They‘re old curtains in pretty good nick which I intend to turn into clothes. The fan is for my ballet exam prop this year which is the Spanish dance from Coppelia. Grand total $57. Up until this point I‘d been very good. I could have spent much more but the pink Art Deco tea set I left behind is still calling me. I used the sparkle body wash in the bath last night.

LapReader I like short stories for while I‘m awaiting books so I can drop them & pick them up again later. The photo album is an already decorated Creative Memories 1 & a steal at $4. New & undecorated they‘re $40. The notelets are for #LitsyLove. I ❤️ me a cheap crochet blanket. This 1 was $3. I hadn‘t heard of the Australian author Eleanor Dark but the blurb sounded good & there is a painting by 1 of my fav Aussie artists on the cover. 2y
Teresereading Who is the artist on the Eleanor Dark? I have heard of her but haven‘t read any? 2y
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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Isabel Allende never disappoints. This book is in honor to her life long belief in feminism. So rare to find a fellow human that has so many similar beliefs to myself.

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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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This is the 1st time I read a #nonfiction book by this author and it wasn't bad. It's short and sort of like an #autobiography with a focus on #feminism, how she's always been a feminist and the things she's done to prove this. She's a very engaging writer but I rated 3.5 bc I feel she uses very non-inclusive language, which she says is for simplicity's sake but then there're some comments abt certain topics that don't feel genuine or respectful

The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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A beautiful tribute to the women of her soul and to the women in her life. A delicate collection of thoughts about her mission, about women's condition, about ageing as a woman, her manifesto for a better world.

“The patriarchy is stony. Feminism, like the ocean, is fluid, powerful, deep and encompasses the infinite complexity of life; it moves in waves, current, tides and sometimes in storms. Like the ocean, feminism never stays quiet.”

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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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With a few days to spare, and with a few additional weeks needed for November‘s read, I‘ve finished my #authoramonth reading for 2021!

@Soubhiville - thanks for organizing this every year. I‘ve managed to read authors that have been on my “someday” list for too long, and I‘m so grateful!

Soubhiville Yay! That‘s awesome! 3y
DivineDiana I jumped on the #authoramonth challenge late in the game. Where is this sign up? 3y
dariazeoli @DivineDiana The challenges in the screencap are on Storygraph 3y
DivineDiana Thank you, Daria! 3y
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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A readable collection of essays & thoughts by the acclaimed author..very interesting, & quite witty too. She talks about her family, of womanhood, feminism, & other matters that concern women worldwide- passion, love, violence, ageing, retirement, longevity. My quibble- I wished she narrated it in different chapters/sections according to the subjects, because it feels meandering. Glad to have read it. #AuthorAMonth

CarolynM Good news, Jessie - I was able to post my parcel to you yesterday 🎉 It may be some time before it reaches you, but at least it is on its way now🙂 3y
erzascarletbookgasm @CarolynM I‘m excited! Thank you Carolyn. ❤️ Looks like mine to you is nowhere in sight, maybe will take some time too. 3y
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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I really enjoyed this memoir largely because I know next to nothing about Isabel Allende. What a fascinating life she‘s had and I look forward to reading more of her work and continuing to learn more about her. #AuthorAMonth #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #AuthorAMonth2021 @Soubhiville

Interesting collection of feminist writings by this author. I found it insightful and Allende expresses her views, her hopes, and her anger through this book in a very thoughtful manner. She uses a lot of her personal background and relates it to other women. Personally, I find her voice in her fiction writing to be a bit stronger, but I appreciate her for sharing this book.

Crazeedi I have an Allende book to read before the end of the month! 3y
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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Maybe the first Allende book I didn‘t finish. It‘s a feminist memoir but I need no convincing.

The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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"Happiness is not exuberant or noisy like joy or pleasure, it is silent, calm, and soft; it is an internal feeling of well-being that starts with loving myself. I am free."

I absolutely LOVE this quote! ???

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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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"At fifteen I walked away from the church forever because of the machismo of religious organizations. I cannot belong to an institution that considers me a second class member whose authorities, always male, enjoy complete impunity and enforce their rules with dogma."

Yup. As not only a woman, but a queer woman, this quote resonates with me. It's why I could never go back to the Catholic Church, not if I want to be able to sleep at night.

The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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Loved the audiobook!

tdrosebud I found this print as a fabric and have a mask made of it. When I saw it I had to pick it as it combined 2 of my favorite things. 3y
Jen2 Fun!!! 3y
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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Emmy reading with me. #memoir #catsoflitsy

Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
cariashley Oh my, looks so much like my cat Sullivan 😻 3y
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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Calling all Allende fans...

The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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This month‘s #page1 box is totally going to come in handy for #authoramonth later this year!

Now if only the snack they included was vegan...

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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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I was so lucky to attend the virtual Jeffco Public Library‘s evening with Allende recently. She was so inspiring, wonderful, humorous, intelligent, passionate, etc. This short memoir is a graceful call to arms for woman to stand up against patriarchy and to embrace who you are. Just lovely.

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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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Calling all Isabel Allende fans out there floating around in the wild interwebs...

The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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What a lovely read.
It is a short, but enlightening read about Feminism and how Allende has worked for and relates to it. She brings humor and the perspective of age to the book that is refreshing. You get to know a bit more about her and what drives her. It is well worth the time.

Come-read-with-me My sister-in-law loves this author! I‘ll have to put this on her birthday list. Thanks for sharing! (edited) 4y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Come-read-with-me yay! I believe it comes out soon, March 2nd in the States. It is a short read, under 200 pages, but would make a lovely gift. 4y
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The Soul of a Woman | Isabel Allende
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I thought I wasn‘t buying any more books— until I saw these new March 2021 releases. When it comes to these 2 amazing authors, resistance is futile! 😆🤫🥰

AmyG Definitly Anne Lamott. 4y
MemoirsForMe @AmyG Yaaas! 🙌🏻 4y
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