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Selfish Gene (Anniversary)
Selfish Gene (Anniversary) | Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins' brilliant reformulation of the theory of natural selection has the rare distinction of having provoked as much excitement and interest outside the scientific community as within it. His theories have helped change the whole nature of the study of social biology, and have forced thousands of readers to rethink their beliefs about life. In his internationally bestselling, now classic volume, The Selfish Gene, Dawkins explains how the selfish gene can also be a subtle gene. The world of the selfish gene revolves around savage competition, ruthless exploitation, and deceit, and yet, Dawkins argues, acts of apparent altruism do exist in nature. Bees, for example, will commit suicide when they sting to protect the hive, and birds will risk their lives to warn the flock of an approaching hawk. This 30th anniversary edition of Dawkins' fascinating book retains all original material, including the two enlightening chapters added in the second edition. In a new Introduction the author presents his thoughts thirty years after the publication of his first and most famous book, while the inclusion of the two-page original Foreword by brilliant American scientist Robert Trivers shows the enthusiastic reaction of the scientific community at that time. This edition is a celebration of a remarkable exposition of evolutionary thought, a work that has been widely hailed for its stylistic brilliance and deep scientific insights, and that continues to stimulate whole new areas of research today.
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The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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#MarchMagic #AboutScience A classic (I‘m told) that has been on my TBR for years !

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Excellent 👍🏻 1y
AmyG How relevant now. 🤣 (edited) 1y
Eggs Brilliant 👏🏻👏🏻 1y
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The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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I‘ve been working my way through this for a while. Very interesting and easy to understand

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1. Genes act locally, think globally
2. Chocolate, because eating it makes me happier and just a better person to interact with.
3. How about 1379?

#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
@SamAnne @GingerAntics @Reggie @I.be.Stef

i.besteph 🧡🧡🧡 4y
Reggie Hmm 1379? All I know is that John I succeeded his father Henry II as King of Castile and King of Leon that year. ( cause I looked it up in Wikipedia, lol) thanks for the tag, my post will come later. 4y
Eggs Chocolate 🍫: the perfect food! Mood food! Thanks for playing along 📚👏🏻🤗👍🏼 4y
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Wonderfully clear, concise, and explained in a way non-scientists can grasp, this book helps illuminate how DNA and genes evolved and the scientific basis of evolutionary psychology. I was so impressed with Dawkins' writing. The ideas in this book seem as fresh and revolutionary as when they took the world by storm 40 years ago.

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The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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The chimpanzee and the human share about 99.5 per cent of their evolutionary history, yet most human thinkers regard the chimp as a malformed, irrelevant oddity while seeing themselves as stepping-stones to the Almighty.

The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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Here the author is talking about Mantises. Such an interesting fact. Hahaha. Made me laugh

Btw copulation means sex. Hahah

LitStephanie That part made me laugh, too. 4y
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The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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Starting this one along with crime and punishment. Planning to read it slowly over the next month

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....come again?

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This is one of the best books I have read. Richard Dawkins is a brilliant writer and a great explainer. He has this amazing skill of presenting a topic in a way making it look easy and natural. I wish all my subject books were written in this style.

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
kranthir Thank you 5y
RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #litsywelcomewagon 4y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳 4y
LitStephanie I just started it, and I was so impressed by his clear, understandable explanation of what he means by genes and how chromosomes go from parent to child. Glad to hear it will continue with the same clarity! 4y
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Selfish Gene (Anniversary) | Richard Dawkins
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... who would‘be known?

The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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#inlaws #reviews #others

If you‘ve ever struggled to understand evolution, claimed by some to be the most important idea ever, read this. If you still don‘t understand it, read The Blind Watchmaker. If you still don‘t get it, go and lie down in a darkened room for a while before trying again.

AlaSkaat I was just reading this today! 5y
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Selfish Gene (Anniversary) | Richard Dawkins

A scientific masterpiece by Dawkins. Explores the evolution of life and genes to what they have become

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The Selfish Gene is a deep dive in the world of evolution on a genetic scale, advancing what Darwin theorized. At times I felt like I was in over my head, but Dawkins always does a nice job bringing the subject matter down to an understandable level. I listened to the 2011 version on Audible which was narrated by Richard and his wife, British actress Lalla Ward. This version had a new forward and two extra chapters at the end.

The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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Astonishing #nonfiction about evolution. #Dawkins states that driving force of evolution is not an individual or group of individuals, but the selfish gene born in a primordial soup, and since then genes construct more and more complicated survival machines, including people. Lots of examples and vivid narration make the book interesting and easy to understand. #Mustread for everyone who is interested in evolution, genes and wonders of nature!

The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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'We are survival machines – robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment.'
#currentbookquote, #readingresolutions

The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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This will be my first personal reading challenge here on Litsy!😉 May will be non-fiction month 🤓 Planning Hawking, Slingerland, Metzinger, Jaynes and Dawkins. And to finish Senlin Ascends, as well as several book club assignments. A bit ambitious, but 10-days vacation must help! 🌄
Thanks to @Jess7 for the game chart!
#readingresolutions, #maytbr

The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins

Good place to start learning about evolution

The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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#TBRsomeday visualising Dawkins looking grumpy on TV lol

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I can't believe this book was #PublishedInThe1970s 😲for some reason I thought it came out in there 90s #jubilantjuly

The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins
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In contrast to the disgustingly overpriced academia books we needed for class, this was also required reading, and it probably cost less than $10, I got more out of it than any $100 textbook, I've continued to re-read and reference it post-college, and I love you, Prof. Dawkins. ❤️ #booksnotdebt

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