And another sequel for the #Pemberlittens. 😊
😄I feel like Alice lost in Pemberley. Pick up this book to continue the saga, but have discovered that there is The Pemberley Chronicles that would probably take me to this book.
Does anyone out there know how big a hole I am digging for myself in this quest to read all things Jane Austen related. 😂
It is a truth universally acknowledge, that a married man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a son and heir
@Sarah83 your book gift could not have arrived on a better day (the morning had been rough) so I was super pleased to see it in the mailbox!!! 😘📖 THANK YOU!!!
@cewilf Thank you! 😘 The pillow popped from the box; yes, I‘d rather be at Pemberley! It‘s dedication to find a P&P copy I don‘t have; love it 😍 The 4 o‘clock seeds from Dickinson‘s home are lovely; can‘t wait to plant them! 🌸 When I loan out my books, I‘ll be sure to use the bookplates! 📖 The tumbling brass bookmarks are adorable! And the pocket sized notebook is perfect for my purse to quickly jot down any novel ideas! ✍🏻 #JaneAustenSwap
Look what arrived today, @Sarah83 ! Thank you SO much. I can‘t believe you sent THREE bags of Boekendrops! 😂 I love them and will definitely be hiding this lot from my husband. The little tea wallet (full of tea) is wonderful and I‘ll be sure to take it on my next road trip. I‘m really looking forward to this P&P sequel, too!
Thank you, my friend! 😘😘
Emma Tennant has written a number of "sequels" to classics... If you've not read her, get to it! #fanfic #fiestyfeb