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The 50th Law | Robert Greene, 50 Cent
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50 cent tries to help you make some #Americanmoney in his book. #aprella

emilyhaldi So many rapper books I now know exist thanks to you 🙏🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola Love the description. 6y
Meredith3 @emilyhaldi you‘re so welcome 😹😹😹 6y
Cinfhen 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 6y
Mdargusch Seriously! Do people even read these? 6y
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#Aprella #AmericanMoney Gerald Murphy was being groomed to take over the family business,legendary leather goods company Mark Cross , but he would have none of it. Both he and wife Sara had an artistic bent & fled to Europe to avoid family pressures.They socialized with the likes of Dorothy Parker , the Fitzgeralds , the Hemingways, Picasso, & Cole Porter.The depression changed their fortunes , but the experiences they had seem priceless.

Rachbb3 The Murphy's were an interesting couple. They went through some serious heartache. 6y
Leftcoastzen @Rachbb3 Amazing highs and devastating lows for sure. 6y
emilyhaldi Ah yes, I remember reading about the Murphy's in this book ✨ 6y
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Leftcoastzen @emilyhaldi I need to read Z. 6y
Cinfhen Such an interesting time in history 6y
Mdargusch I love reading about that group and their decadent lifestyle! 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve been wanting to read the book on the right! 6y
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#Aprella #AmericanMoney?I don't think you can talk about American money without J.Paul Getty being part of the conversation. I just watched "All the Money in the World" about the 1973 kidnapping of his 16-year old grandson, John Paul Getty III & it's based on this book which I put on my #TBR. If you don't know the story, J. Paul Getty first refused to pay ransom then finally contributed $1 million-the maximum amount that would be tax deductible.

DebinHawaii ...Speaking of American money, check out this NYT article about the difference in $$$ between Mark Wahlburg and Michelle Williams's salaries for the film's reshoot. #genderpaygap 😡
Reviewsbylola Wow, I didn‘t know this story at all! 6y
emilyhaldi I don't know this story but for some reason it reminds me of a difference case I watched on ID channel with @Mdargusch ... Barbara Mackle was kidnapped for ransom and locked in a box underground for 3 days waiting for her ransom to be paid by her wealthy father. 🤯🤯🤯 @Reviewsbylola u gotta look it up 6y
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mrp27 Fascinated by this story. I didn't see the movie but I'm currently watching Trust on Paramount about the kidnapping. This version is suggesting that that Paul jr. was in on the kidnapping. Since I've moved back to California I've been dying to visit the Getty museum. 6y
Mdargusch Wow! This dates me because I remember this @Reviewsbylola and @emilyhaldi 👂🏻 6y
batsy I watched the movie, which was incredibly tedious. But the story riveted me in that "rich people's logic is so horrifying" way. I'm guessing the book might be a lot more interesting. 6y
Cinfhen Fascinating #stacked 6y
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“Those were the reasons and that was New York - we were running for the money and the flesh” 🎼 #americanmoney #aprella

Mdargusch Love this! 6y
emilyhaldi Oooohh good one! I have this book- the Chelsea Hotel is SO fascinating!!! 6y
Cinfhen Ive already stacked this one... it looks sooo good! I became obsessed after reading 6y
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Reviewsbylola This sounds so good! 6y
Leftcoastzen I stayed there 3 times . It was as weird and amazing as any or all of the stories. 6y
youneverarrived @emilyhaldi have you read it? I‘ve been saving it for when I‘m in the right mood to read it. 6y
youneverarrived @Leftcoastzen oh wow! 😲 I‘m jealous. When did you stay there? 6y
emilyhaldi Yes I did read it! It definitely offers some very interesting information but I found it to be somewhat dry as well. I skimmed some sections and loved others! 6y
Louise Hi, Katie! Thank you for your cheerful, bookish postcard! I'll respond soon! 😊 6y
youneverarrived @Louise glad you got it 😊 6y
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The Great Crash 1929 | John Kenneth Galbraith
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Mdargusch Good pick! 👍🏼 6y
emilyhaldi Looks very informative!!🤓💸 6y
TricksyTails 😍😍😍 Ohhh I need this Vader print!!! 🖤 6y
PagesOfKate I thought it was a good fit for today prompt @TricksyTails Its a notebook I picked up from Sainsburys a while back but it's too pretty to write in- strictly shelf of treasures material! 6y
TricksyTails I could never bring myself to write in it! It‘s too gorgeous! 😍🖤 6y
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The shuttle | Frances Hodgson Burnett
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This #Persephone is about American heiresses crossing the Atlantic to marry impoverished British aristocrats. They infused the Brits with #AmericanMoney and in turn adopted the titles & “ruled their lands as well”, so to speak. These marriages were happening frequently at the turn of the century, so much so that the ships were said to be crossing back and forth across the Atlantic like the weaving of a shuttle, hence the title. 💸💸💸

emilyhaldi See also: @Mdargusch ‘s post today regarding the tagged book, which is a nonfiction account of the same phenomenon!! (edited) 6y
Kaye Where do you guys get the pretty flowered bookmarks ? 6y
Mdargusch They come with the Persephone Books @Kaye and the end papers of the book match! 6y
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Kaye Oh, I see. I thought you bought them separately. Beautiful. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful pic 💕 6y
somebooksaround 🙌🙌 6y
ephemeralwaltz 😍😍😍😍😍👏 6y
Reviewsbylola So beautiful 😍 6y
Maria514626 This photo makes me swoon! 6y
LazyDays Great picture! 6y
RohitSawant Lovely picture! 6y
batsy So pretty 🌼 6y
Eggs Great photo pretty 🌸🌺 6y
Cathythoughts Beautiful pic 💕🌸🌸 6y
Meredith3 Gorgeous! 💐💐💐 6y
britt_brooke So pretty!! 6y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell, Pat Conroy
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Reviewsbylola Scarlett did what had to be done. 💪🏻😂 6y
emilyhaldi Charles never stood a chance!! 😆 6y
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#Aprella #day19 #AmericanMoney The Kennedy‘s were one of the wealthiest & most influential families in America, counting among them a President, Senators,titans of industry & style icons.Loaded with American money,for 150yrs they were US royalty,but they were cursed too.JFK & Bobby assasinated, Rosemary lobotomised, Joseph Jr in a plane explosion, JFK & Jackie‘s 2nd son dead from SIDS & JFK Jr & wife dead in a plane crash & that‘s only some of it.

Reviewsbylola They‘ve definitely had their share of tragedy. 6y
Cinfhen Another book I‘d like to read #stacked 6y
Mdargusch Definitely their fortunes were built on American money! 6y
emilyhaldi Quintessential American Money family!! 💵 6y
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The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Poor Gatsby, all that #Americanmoney, but no Daisy to share it with, boohoo 💰💰💰


britt_brooke 😆 6y
Cinfhen Hahaha 😍 6y
batsy Leo's Gatsby face, so memeable 😂 6y
emilyhaldi Love this!! 🙌🏻 6y
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