Found this at Half Price books and snagged it since I‘ve been trying to collect the BOTM books 🖤
And I found a new bookmark.
#botm #halfprice #halfpricebooks #haul #bookmark #ourkindofcruelty #aramintahall #bookhaul #usedbook #snow
Found this at Half Price books and snagged it since I‘ve been trying to collect the BOTM books 🖤
And I found a new bookmark.
#botm #halfprice #halfpricebooks #haul #bookmark #ourkindofcruelty #aramintahall #bookhaul #usedbook #snow
I read this trio of three SUPER dark books lately and haven‘t been able to stop considering the ways that they intersect. No spoilers, but there‘s some *great* discussion here just waiting to happen! (Trigger warnings all over the place, though.)
I may be a sucker for a thriller but this book swept me up in a new storyline, lovable and loathsome characters and an ending I am still on the fence about. Mike and V were a love storm that never really ended, or did it? Depends on how you read it. #istilldontknow #doyou? #AramintaHall #OurKindofCruelty #pageturner
Perfect sunny Saturday to indulge in a DARK book 🌗😉
- What are your weekend plans?
- What are you reading?
#bookofthemonth #botm #ourkindofcruelty #AramintaHall #SaturdayReading #WeekendPlans #thriller #suspense #currentlyreading #crave