Don't quite know what this sentence means, but I still like it! #BestSentenceEver
Don't quite know what this sentence means, but I still like it! #BestSentenceEver
"...like a bad lobster in a dark cellar."
Huh? Did this used to be a thing people said? Do bad lobsters glow in the dark? Confusion ?
Another contender for #BestSentenceEver 😁💕 -- have a lovely day, Littens! 💝🤓
A contender for #BestSentenceEver, cringe-worthy edition. Seriously, tired like the toilet's autoflush is pulling her down? Really? 🤔😳😒
"Eight long months of emotional turmoil had passed as suddenly as a fart."
My contender for #BestSentenceEver comes from a New York Times Review of Michael Lewis's The Undoing Project written by Jennifer Senior. Full review at: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/01/books/review-michael-lewis-on-two-well-matched...