I almost blacked out my February #BookSpinBingoBoard That gave me a total of 10 bingos. The only book I didn't read was my BOTM.
I almost blacked out my February #BookSpinBingoBoard That gave me a total of 10 bingos. The only book I didn't read was my BOTM.
@thearomaofbooks has shared the February #bookspinbingoboard Please see original post for additional info.
Here is January #BookSpinBingoBoard @TheAromaofBooks
I have already completed a couples of books this month. I have an informal goal to read both my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin every month. Let's see how that works. 🤞
Now that I need to make my new month‘s #bookspinbingoboard, I need to post January because I actually did get a bingo. Almost completely unheard of for me and might not happen again all year. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 @TheAromaofBooks
My final book to fill my May #BookSpinBingoBoard @TheAromaofBooks
I did have 5 bails but then I added a book for each book I bailed on 😉
May has probably been my BEST READING Month in 2022 - lots of these were 4 & 5 star reads 😍
I completed my #BookSpinBingoBoard @TheAromaofBooks First time in awhile!!!
#BookSpin Into Thin Air
#DoubleSpin Traveler At The Gates of Wisdom
I‘m ready for February 2 🤗🤗🤗🤗 Stand by....I‘ll be posting my February list shortly 😜