When you‘re suppose to be studying for a killer National Exam but….
#SundayisforSlothing #nomnomnom #just10morechapters #booksandicecream
When you‘re suppose to be studying for a killer National Exam but….
#SundayisforSlothing #nomnomnom #just10morechapters #booksandicecream
Taking an icecream break, though I may have gone a bit overboard with the wafers. How could I resist, I have Chocolate ones, Cookies&Cream, ChocMint & Strawberry ones, plus Ice Magic topping. Mmmmmm. Oh, the books really good too, I‘m over halfway through. Would‘ve been more but I got distracted by Netflix. #BooksAndIcecream #YouScreamIScreamWeAllScreamForIcecream #QueenOfExcess #SugarComaImminent🍨🍦🍨
The best peach ice cream/custard comes with big slices of fresh peaches in it. I love Whit's...I look forward to this flavor every summer! #harrypotter #icecream #booksandicecream
#booksandicecream Finally stopped at Milkcraft on the way to see the parents and thoroughly enjoyed these first days of summer with THE best ice cream concoction
I really enjoyed this! Super quick read with solid (if not completely developed) characters. I enjoyed being with these misfits! The novel takes an emotional turn that is not handled incredibly deftly but this is a fantastic debut and I look forward to more from Zentner. Also mochi is clearly the best thing humans have achieved. #booksandicecream #riotgrams
I wasn't able to do the #booksandicecream prompt because it was unseasonably cold here and I didn't have any ice cream in the house. Now it's quite hot, so ice cream there is, along with my current read!
Catching up on #Riotgrams Days 7-10! So that's #welllovedreads (The Stand - my third copy after the previous two fell apart...), #booksandicecream (my favourite flavour), #lgbtqpride (Leaves of Grass is a favourite summer read), and #booksinthewild (it's raining so wild boys and a cactus will have to do!)
No #booksandicecream for me how bout starting the weekend with #booksatthebeach ?
#riotgram 🌞