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Book mail is by far the best kind of mail!
#athinsliceofanxiety #appalachia #jdvance #hillbillyelegy #bookmail

cathysaid Oh no 🤬 They‘re making Hillbilly Elegy into a movie? I just detest how Appalachia (and often, by association, the South) is depicted by the media. So much amazing art, culture and transcendent intelligence in the area not only goes unrecognized but is misrepresented and stereotyped and it just makes me so sad. (edited) 5y
Scochrane26 @cathysaid I heard they‘re making a movie, too. I also loathe hillbilly elegy, I‘ve disliked it more & more since I read it. And I really want to read the book pictured. Several KY authors have been voicing their dislike of hillbilly elegy recently. 5y
paulfrankspencer I'd be curious to read your review when you're done. @cathysaid @Scochrane26 what was so repugnant about HE? Just the stereotype? Although JD does make a number of generalizations, I found a majority of the book to be highly personal and anecdotal. Enough to connect with, but not so much that he's calling out everyone in the region. 5y
Wellreadhead @paulfrankspencer I think one of the biggest criticisms of Vance is that he perpetuates the narrative that people in the Appalachian region are solely responsible for their problems and that he ignores the complex history of economic and cultural exploitation that has taken place there. 5y
Scochrane26 @paulfrankspencer I liked the book as a family memoir, but then feel that he generalized to the rest of the culture. Plus, he didn‘t actually grow up in Appalachia. I think @Wellreadhead‘s comment sums up the criticism. 5y
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I am an hour into #HillbillyElegy... 🤔🤷 It iiiiiiiiiiiis interesting, but I am not really enjoying it. I am confused by all the jumping around between him telling stories of different generations of his family. It just seems like a lot of random stories you'd tell your friends about weird/crazy things your family has done. 🤔🤔 Anyone else feel this way when they read it?

BookishTrish I bailed for basically that reason. 6y
AlaMich I bailed on the audio pretty quickly, chiefly because I didn‘t care for Vance as the reader. Sometimes writer-as-reader just doesn‘t work. Also because it was sort of boring. (edited) 6y
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Just joined an IRL bookclub and we had our first meeting today. We picked #HillbillyElegy. Anyone else read this before? Thoughts? Worth reading? Good book club pick?

bookandcat Decent, should lead to interesting discussion. If you're looking for adjunct reading, read the new Barbara Kingsolver (she wrote it partially in response to it, or so I read in an interview by her) 6y
MinDea @bookandcat Interesting. I might check it out depending on how I feel about Hillbilly Elegy after reading it. @JamieArc have you read either Hillbilly Elegy or the new Barbara Kingsolver that bookandcat is referring to? 6y
MinDea @Reviewsbylola I think I saw you post about this a while back. Do you have any thoughts here? 6y
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Joanne1 I‘m Australian so this gave me a very different view of a different part of America then we are usually exposed to. I thoroughly enjoyed the first 3/4, though I wasn‘t sold on what he saw as the solutions. 6y
wanderinglynn This book provides one perspective on growing up in a poor, southern-esque culture. I thought he generalized things a bit too much particularly in his suggested solutions because while this is his story, his story is not necessarily representative of the culture. 6y
AmyG I read this. It was so completely different than how I grew up. I found it fascinating. 6y
lynneamch In spite of my aversion to this title, I've heard it is a much better representation, rather than just a personal story, as @wanderinglynn suggests 6y
MinDea @lynneamch @wanderinglynn interesting. Good to know that it is an overgeneralization of things there. I hope I enjoy it but I'm not sure if I will or not. Love all the perspectives! @amyG @Joanne1 Thank you! 6y
Blaire As someone who lives in Appalachia I didn‘t think it was a fair portrayal. He takes one experience and then comes to broad and I think incorrect conservative policy conclusions. Good discussion book tho. I recommend 6y
JamieArc Along with what @Blaire said a little, I enjoyed reading it, but then after read some critiques that left me unsettled and questioning the reason he wrote it, so I don‘t necessarily recommend it now. I got the latest Kingsolver as my BOTM but haven‘t read it yet, and didn‘t realize it was a response to Elegy. That makes me want to get to it much quicker. 6y
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Wish I could just stay in bed and finish this book...🤓#hillbillyelegy

corycatelyn I just bought this book today for my sociology class that I randomly signed up for...it starts tomorrow 🙈 6y
RavenLovelyReads @corycatelyn I hope you enjoy it- I found it very interesting 🤓 6y
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This has been on my “to read” list for a while. So glad I finally got around to it. I really enjoyed a look into a culture that is often forgotten about. #hillbillyelegy

Kaye I thought this was quite a good book. I listened to the audio of it. 6y
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Nothing like pouring myself a nice cup of breakfast. ♥️☕️
Starting @taneshicoates #wewereeightyearsinpower this week. First essay reminded me that I still need to finish #hillbillyelegy .
Do you get bookish adhd? I‘m so guilty of starting books but I get distracted by other books...🙋🏻♥️

JaclynW I am guilty of Book ADHD. Currently so. 😊 7y
Prairiegirl_reading My initials are actually ADD so I was born that way. 😏 7y
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So this is my husband holding his freshly signed copy of #HillbillyElegy. He really does have a head. The book is more important anyway, am I right?

MinDea 😀😆 7y
Karkar 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣headless Dan.... 7y
drbethandherkindle It's just important to retain his anonymity 😂😂 7y
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I am thinking of getting a tattoo of this quote from the #hillbillyelegy because the same exact thing happened to me. He is a great author not afraid to share the painful part of life.

julesG 😱 Really?! --- great quote, it would make a great tat for sure. 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Wow - great quote - excellent idea for a tattoo 7y
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