I saw this on Instagram today, and loved it! I‘m an extroverted introvert and these made my heart happy! I‘d love to hear if these sound relatable to you! See link below for original source credit:
#introvert #imanintrovertareyou #introvertproblems
Taking a bit of time to relax and read a book while I'm down and out. Loving these Mother's Day gifts right along with the #manon bookmark I made. If you're looking for bookmarks check out my shop.
Http://smartsassery.rbf.wtf 💜
Wow. I learned some things about myself from this Illustrated Guide to the Introverted Life. I never recognized why I‘m the “helper” at other people‘s parties (when I even make it) or why I can‘t come home from an event with no time to spare and go straight to bed. Must. Have. Time. To. Unwind.
Book 67/90 2/16/19
This is what happens when you take me to a wedding.... or any public event. #IntrovertProblems #BookwormTendencies
Anybody else have to put on fancy duds to go to a wedding tonight? Anyone?
Didn‘t think so. I‘d rather be reading in front of the fire with the cat and the wife but...
Poor Minerva spent most of the afternoon & all night trying to escape the noisy crowd. If I could have, I'd have spent all my time hiding too. But she & hubby & I made it through Christmas Eve so the worst is over! #Happyholidays, Littens! #introvertproblems #holidayanxiety
1- I had a good summer but the best part was adopting this cutie.
2- I‘m at work and should be working lol.
3- I‘ll read whenever.
4- no i will say hello but that‘s about it lol. #introvertproblems
5- I usually take a break from reading. I usually get into one because I want to read a certain book but don‘t have it and I don‘t want to read anything I do have. #bookbuyingbansarenofun