Day 26 - #Kite #BloomingBibliophiles
#KiteRunner #KhaledHosseini
Read this in 2006 and enjoyed it very much!
Day 26 - #Kite #BloomingBibliophiles
#KiteRunner #KhaledHosseini
Read this in 2006 and enjoyed it very much!
Day 16: Foreign author you love #juneinbooks18
I recently read The Kite Runner and it was absolutely beautiful. I can‘t wait to read A Thousand Splendid Suns.
My favorite quote from the novel is “Children aren‘t coloring books, you don‘t get to fill them in with your favorite colors.”
#aesthetic #golden #brown #kite #kiterunner #bookchallenge #june #author #foreignauthor #lifechanging
All set to release four more books into the wild via Bookcrossing.com. Two today at Woodstock Hospital and two tomorrow at Masonville Mall (London, Ontario). I also made these adorable fox bookmarks to send with them. Free printable I found online here https://tinyurl.com/y7bmu9wk #bookcrossing #KiteRunner #OnTheRoad #TheFace #TheLegendofBaggerVance
When I buy books it's hard to stop after 1 book. Today, I wanted to buy just one book and I ended up buying 9 books instead.
#AnEraOfDarkness by Shashi Tharoor
#KiteRunner by Khaled Hosseini
#AThousandSplendidSuns by Khaled Hosseini
#SubtleArtOfNotGivingAF*ck by Mark Manson
#InnerEngineering by A Sadhguru
#SaayeMeinDhoop by Dushyant Kumar
#MindIsYourBusiness by Sadhguru
#WhoWillCryWhenYouDie by Robin Sharma
#TheGodOfSmallThinhs by Arundhati Roy
My family is coming to visit tomorrow for the weekend so I couldn't pass up getting my little cousins some books tonight! I also got myself a little something for our time spent in Boston. I've never actually read The Kite Runner so I figured why not try the graphic novel! #petethecat #kiterunner #graphicnovel
Some of my June reads this month. Lady Midnight was great! If you like her other books you myst pick it up. #ladymidnight #macbeth #kiterunner #lollywillowes #booksandtea #tea