"She could have been David Bowie performing 'Life on Mars' "...
When #currentread and #Septembowie intersect. #LifeonMars
"She could have been David Bowie performing 'Life on Mars' "...
When #currentread and #Septembowie intersect. #LifeonMars
#septembowie #day7 - #lifeonmars
*falls on knees, raises fists to the sky*
Seriously, I've sung this book's praises so much, I should probably schedule a reread, just to make sure it's really that good (spoiler: it is).
Ok, I haven't read this yet, but ...
a) OMG, that title and
b) I loved Tales of the Madman Underground
Anyway, I checked it out and I look forward to seeing if these losers make it to experience #lifeonmars. Apparently, one of them is a sociopath so the journey might end badly. #septembowie
We all knew my #Septembowie pick for #LifeOnMars was going to be from Doctor Who. While my most recent Who read (Fear Itself) spent some time on the red planet, and many other novels and episodes feature it, The Pyramids Of Mars has the distinction of being one of the show's best stories so it gets my vote here. @Marchpane
Inside the Secret World of Hershey & Mars. A different take. 😉 #septembowie #lifeonmars
#LifeOnMars (specifically his time in the Martian navy) prepared Alex Kamal to be an excellent space pilot, and the fact that Mars was primarily colonized by Asians and Texans gives him a thick Southern drawl.
He has piloted the Rocinante through thick and thin and I can't wait to start book 3 in the Expanse series. #SeptemBowie
#lifeonmars Veronica Mars 💞
My fave #villian is always Draco Malfoy, but right now I'm really in love with Holland 😍
#septembowie #septemberlibrary17
@Marchpane @Cinfhen @librarylooter @anniekslibrary