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“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

☀️ Wise words from Dumbledore as we face 2020- 2021. ☀️

How are you finding ways to live safely in 2021? ☀️

#harrypotter #harrypotterspecialedition #jkrowling #minalima #minalimaedition #illustratedharrypotter #dumbledore

wanderinglynn Beautiful illustration! 4y
InquisitiveKristine @wanderinglynn The illustrations in the MinaLima series are👌😍! (edited) 4y
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The Beauty and the Beast | Gabrielle-Suzanna Barbot de Villenueve
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Firstly the #minalima edition is so beautiful , all the illustrations and gorgeous little pull outs really made this come to life.
I thoroughly enjoyed the original retelling it is quite different from the Disney version we know so well, the second part of the book was the story of the fairy who was involved in bringing Beauty and the beast together, I must admit that was a bit hard going at times
#fairytalereadingchallenge #bookspinbingo

Charityann I‘m reading the same one!😊 4y
Powered_By_Plants @charityann isn‘t it a lovely edition , I found the second half a bit hard going with the language. Hope you enjoy it 💕 4y
TheAromaofBooks I read this edition last year - so lovely!! I also found the second part to be a little odd and didn't enjoy it quite as much. 4y
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The Beauty and the Beast | Gabrielle-Suzanna Barbot de Villenueve
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Really enjoying the original Beauty and the Beast story so far , especially this #minalima edition 🤩 , so beautiful .


Charityann Pretty!😊 4y
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Alice in Wonderland | Lewis Carroll
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Well that was strange 😅 ... a pig baby,a weird sobbing turtle, strange dancing lobsters and a load of gibberish at times 😂
Loved finally reading the original .. not quite ready for the looking glass yet apparently it‘s even stranger 😅

Highly recommend the #minalima edition it made this a lot easier to read.

Loving #fairytalereadingchallenge

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I thought I would love reading the original story, but I really didn't. Those interactive editions look so gorgeous though 4y
Powered_By_Plants Wasn‘t it strange! My daughter would have run a mile if it wasn‘t for the beautiful illustrations and exciting pull outs ... not sure she will be joining me for through the looking glass . I remember as a child being a bit confused with the film too . Is it the looking glass that has the jabberwocky and the walrus and the carpenter 😍 love those 4y
Yuki_Onna Love your journal entry! Beautiful ❤ 4y
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Powered_By_Plants @Yuki_Onna 🥰 thank you , love a bit of journal doodling 💕 4y
jb72 Beautiful journaling. I read both books a while ago. 4y
Powered_By_Plants @jb72 thank you ☺️ , ahh what did you think? I‘m reading unbirthday a twisted tale and wishing i had read through the looking glass first now 4y
jb72 @Powered_By_Plants I actually liked both books. They are unique and the second one is a bit more poetic. 4y
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Bargain find for my fellow book lovers! Check the clearance section at your local BoxLunch store. Mine had the Mina Lima version of Pinocchio for $7.99 (retail value $32.50), and clearance was 50% off last night, so I got this for $4.00! It‘s beautiful and interactive as all Mina Lima editions are. #bargainbook #boxlunch #pinocchio #minalima #readerfinds

Whatshereadnext Beautiful edition 😍 4y
ju.ca.no I just love the Mina Lima editions🥰 great find! 4y
Powered_By_Plants 🤩 her books are stunning , I haven‘t got this one but planning on reading her beauty and the beast this month 🥀 4y
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My daughter “I wonder what he‘s late for” 🐰 ⏱ 🥰

We went down the rabbit hole tonight!! 🤩

“ and what is the use of a book,‘ thought Alice , ‘ without pictures or conversation ?‘

Alice would definitely approve of this 3D interactive beautifully illustrated #minalima edition . I can‘t recommend it enough it‘s stunning!! We had lots of fun making Alice grow 😁

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🤩 #fairytalereadingchallenge

Very excited as I am really familiar with all the short children‘s fairytales and the Disney stories but embarrassingly never actually read any of the originals.

Hoping to get a few of the twisted tales in too 😍

#bulletjournal #minalima

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This beautiful edition of The Secret Garden was my last book purchase 😍

#bookworm #booknerd #bookish #aussiereaders #franceshodgsonburnett #thesecretgarden #minalima #beautifulcover #booksandflowers

Freespirit Lovely book❤️ 4y
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Finished my buddyread with @ju.ca.no today... Another gorgeous edition by #Minalima ...

Within this edition most of Andersen's popular fairy tales are combined with gorgeous drawings or other interactive extras..

Hope you liked it aswell @ju.ca.no ? What was your favourite tale?

JazzFeathers I've seen many of your photos of these fairy tale books. The are lovely. 6y
HotMessJess We visited their pop up shop around the corner from The Cursed Child in London. I bought a GORGEOUS print and I am now obsessed with them and all their work! 6y
Sarah83 @JazzFeathers it is really interesting, how illustrations change and influence the way you read a book... In my opinion they do a great job, since they change our minds from the Disney versions (even if I love them) to the illustrations older times would have thought about. If you like to take a look: https://store.minalima.com/house-of-minalima/ 6y
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Sarah83 @HotMessJess they really do a great job 🤩 6y
HotMessJess They really do! I was so impressed with everything from their shop! 6y
Sarah83 @HotMessJess which print did you buy? 6y
Sarah83 @HotMessJess looks awesome 🤩 6y
ju.ca.no I liked most of them😊 what about you? What did you think about the last six chapters? 6y
Sarah83 @ju.ca.no I know remember, why I didn't like fairy tales when I was little, they are so brutal and often pretty sad. 😑 6y
ju.ca.no @Sarah83 very sad indeed... I remember the story of the Zinnsoldat very well from my childhood, it is one of the saddest stories! But I also like it in a way? even though they are often sad they are sometimes sweet and beautiful as well:) Däumelinchen for example which is very cute! Die roten schuhe I don‘t like that much though, it‘s pretty religious... 6y
Sarah83 That's so true. 🙄 Die Nachtigall was really one of my favourites. 🤩 6y
Kasie Such pretty books! One day I will have a library full of pretty books. 6y
ju.ca.no @Sarah83 it also had some of the prettiest illustrations😍😍😍 6y
RealBooks4ever So pretty! 💜 6y
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