Cleaned and reorganized my daughter‘s room the other day. Made her a little reading corner next to her bookshelf. Caught her reading. She loves this cozy corner. #MomWin #RaisingReaders
Cleaned and reorganized my daughter‘s room the other day. Made her a little reading corner next to her bookshelf. Caught her reading. She loves this cozy corner. #MomWin #RaisingReaders
“I have learned that raising a child is essentially one long, slow agony of letting go.”
Love this quote, and loving this book! I am learning I am a big fan of books by women that interweave science and memoir.
Feet propped up and reading while my kid cleans and organizes the food pantry. She is getting paid for doing a chore I dread, and I daresay she actually does a better job than me! 😊😆
Let‘s hope Baby stays asleep for Mommy‘s book and bath time! 🤞🏻🛀🏻 #everettdarin
"I will not eat green eggs and ham. I will not eat them, Sam-I-Am!" #happybirthdaydrseuss #momlife
That moment when you get the kids in the bathtub 25 minutes later than you normally do and you walk into the kitchen dreading making their lunches for the next day only to remember that you actually already made their lunches earlier this afternoon. Mom win! Celebrating 😂 #momwin #itsthelittlethings #ihatemakingschoollunches #booksandbooze #justonemorechapter #justonemoreglass
My family is doing #hpchapteraday with me, and I have decided that if the whole family completes the challenge for the entire year, we'll visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in 2018. 🎆
My daughter and I, reading in bed. She asked for an empty notebook to keep notes about her books. #momwin! #epicparenting. #futurebooknerd