Yesterday I finished #nonfiction2019 just under the wire. I cannot wait for #nonfiction2020. This is the only challenge I attempted this year and the only one I‘m doing next year. Thanks to @Riveted_Reader_Melissa for organizing again!
Yesterday I finished #nonfiction2019 just under the wire. I cannot wait for #nonfiction2020. This is the only challenge I attempted this year and the only one I‘m doing next year. Thanks to @Riveted_Reader_Melissa for organizing again!
Thank you @riveted_reader_melissa for hosting this fantastic nonfiction challenge! Some of the best books I read in 2019 are on this BINGO board, I can't wait to start the 2020 one!
Stand outs:
💥Hey, Kiddo
💥She Said
💥We're Going to Need More Wine
💥Every Body Yoga
💥As You Wish
#wintergames #slaybells @MidnightBookGirl #24b42020 @TheReadingMermaid (impulse read)
I needed a book to finish #nonfiction2019 and this one practically jumped off my library shelf on my last visit. Detailing the lives of princesses /well standing women throughout history who refused to succomb to societal expectations, this book gives a more realistic view of the fairytale.
#nonfiction2019 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
Well the procrastination was real but I finally finished the whole board! Woohoo!! My final space was "something with history" and I read Princesses Behaving Badly for it.
And with Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl for my #SomethingWithMusic Prompt, I can officially call my #Nonfiction2019 challenge complete!
This one has been sitting on my to-read list since it was picked for “Our Shared Shelf” maybe a year ago...maybe two...😬. I really need to make an effort to read all of the books Watson‘s group picks, because although I didn‘t know much about the group or artist before, I still enjoyed this memoir.
So one down for my #OurSharedShelf reads and one for #Nonfiction2019
I bought the tagged book on impulse a couple of years ago, and finally made time to read it. It‘s fulfilling my last #Nonfiction2019 prompt, which is a book that‘s been on my TBR for over 1 year. I love reading nonfiction and this challenge helped me keep those types of books in my regular reading rotation. Thanks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa for organizing this!
This was FABULOUS! I would call myself a casual fan of Elton John; I‘ve followed his career and like his music, but have never seen him in concert or follow all of his album releases.
Sir Elton doesn‘t hold back, and he doesn‘t make excuses for his weaknesses. His sense of humor is fantastic. He‘s such a unique, compassionate, and talented individual, and I loved getting a glimpse into his life.
This is also my last book for #nonfiction2019! ✅