Birthday book haul! Thanks to everyone who sent ‘set in the Netherlands‘ recommendations! #RussellBooks #Munros
Birthday book haul! Thanks to everyone who sent ‘set in the Netherlands‘ recommendations! #RussellBooks #Munros
In the mood for some lady pirate fantasy #RussellBooks
It‘s rare that I‘ll bail on one of my #RussellBooks books, but after 55 pages I am not into this book at all. The writing is much too dense for a zombie novel. Not feeling it.
#RussellBooks book haul
Post 1/3 of my Russell books #bookhaul! I‘ve been slowly getting into Le Guin since she passed, but finding good quality used editions of her books can be rough. I was super stoked for these finds! #sciencefiction
The horror just didn‘t let up and Eric 🤢
One day away from an almost unheard of four-day weekend in which I will valiantly attempt to finish this month‘s #seatosea #Russellbooks and #moosemoose reads. Mega mailout to happen Tuesday #screamsbymail and #steepedinstories will be posted too along with goodies for the rest of the #moosemoose crew and my #Litsypenpal @LA_Mead
I have finished ALL of my book club reads for May and shall foolishly attempt to cram as many of these books as possible into my busy life before the next batch arrive #seatosea #moosemoose #steepedinstories #screamsbymail #theCanadiantour #RussellBooks
I recommend this book of short stories inspired by Eastern European folktales as an #inbetween read @RachelO