#weeklyreport #audiomystery #cozy #scottishbookstoremystery #librarybook #quest #sophieschoice #pilosophy #sundaybuddyread
Finished 3 mysteries. In various stages of reading with the bottom row- 2 are #buddyreads
#weeklyreport #audiomystery #cozy #scottishbookstoremystery #librarybook #quest #sophieschoice #pilosophy #sundaybuddyread
Finished 3 mysteries. In various stages of reading with the bottom row- 2 are #buddyreads
#weeklyforecast #shortstories #kindlemystery #sundaybuddyread #sophieschoice #buddyread #philosophy #historicalfiction #memoir #nonfiction
Plan to read #buddyread sections, then whatever book(s) my mood dictates!
Hell, yes! #bookmail 💌
Do I try to finish My Favorite Thing is Monsters tonight? Or do I crack this beauty open? #decisionsdecisions #booknerdproblems