Picked up so many new books today! #newbook #book #books #read #reading #bookshelf #classics #sylviaplath #oscarwilde #jlcarr #williamboyd
Picked up so many new books today! #newbook #book #books #read #reading #bookshelf #classics #sylviaplath #oscarwilde #jlcarr #williamboyd
Another great novel from William Boyd, one of our finest living writers. See my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3672263769. #williamboyd #trio #books #book #fiction #bookstagram #penguinbooks #bookish #booknerd #bookphotography#booklove #booksbooksbooks #bookcommunity #booksandcats #catsandbooks #dauntbooks #literature
Kickstarting my day at the Rendezvous Cafe. I know this opinion may be a bit heretical, but I find that Anthony Horowitz‘s additions to the James Bond canon (like William Boyd‘s ‘Solo‘) are so much better than ian Fleming‘s originals. #rendezvouscafe #books #bookstagram #jamesbond #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #fiction #caffeine #caffeineaddict #coffee #anthonyhorowitz #foreverandaday #inverness #williamboyd
This beautiful book I've left at #PearlSt #Manhattan #NYC for a stranger to enjoy! It's such a great book, I really enjoyed it.
Have you read this?
Very entertaining. I hadn‘t previously encountered Nat Tate‘s work. See my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/77842.Nat_Tate. #williamboyd #nattate #arthistory #prank #galleries #biography #bookbookstagram #books #spoof
Just received this gem through the post. I imagine that even William Boyd‘s shopping lists or notes for the milkman would make for elegant reading, so I am definitely looking forward to this. #williamboyd #nattate #book #books #bookstagram #modernliterature #contemporaryfiction #modernclassics #arthistory #historyofart #biography
Another excellent novel from William Boyd (well, what else!). Possibly right up there with his Any Human Heart.
See my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38470168-love-is-blind
#williamboyd #loveisblind #book #books #bookstagram #modernclassic #contemporaryfiction #modernliterature #betterthanallthatbookerprizeshit #fiction #lovestory #music #classicalmusic #piano
Final preparations for a fortnight‘s leave from work. #williamboyd #loveisblind #donnatartt #thegoldfinch #theladyvanishes #book #books #bookstagram #holidayreading #goingtoscotland #booksforscotland
A selection of masterly new short stories from one of our greatest living authors. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35074089-the-dreams-of-bethany-mellmoth. #williamboyd #bethanymellmoth #shortstories #literature #contemporaryfiction #boyd #masterpiece
Is William Boyd our finest living writer? I am struggling to think of a viable contender. These stories are a welcome and worthy addition to his canon. #williamboyd #thedreamsofbethanymellmoth #satudaymorning #currentlyreading #bookstagram #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #saturdaybooks #weekendreading #literature #shortstories #london #breakfastbooks