Loved the Kyrie this morning! Although I can‘t say the same for Ockeghem‘s hat. 😂 @AnnCecilie @kspenmoll
Loved the Kyrie this morning! Although I can‘t say the same for Ockeghem‘s hat. 😂 @AnnCecilie @kspenmoll
This wasn‘t just a mystery about a violin 🎻 heist it was a thoughtful exploration of the life of a talented young musician who has to overcome prejudice and poverty. I‘m not a classical music fan but this author has such beautiful descriptions of the violinist‘s feelings while playing. A great choice for Black History Month
Today is St.David‘s Day in Wales,a day of traditional celebration. This Welch song was first preserved orally (music) . In 1784 it was written down in sheet music & in the last half of the 19th c. Lyrics were added by J.Hughes. It‘s hauntingly beautiful, transcends time as all parents of all specious watch their children thru the night to keep them safe. https://web.archive.org/web/20110727053819/https://www.madog.org/dysgwyr/caneuon...
This morning‘s piece is from an album,The Blue Notebooks, by Max Richter, of protest against the invasion of Iraq, a “meditation in violence” & at the general “ futility” of war. #resistance
Thank you ever so much @AnneCecilie @Lcsmcat for posting about this book.
Another great entry today. I love how she‘s including composers writing from movies
When it comes to Morricone Burton-Bell writes:
“His scores invariably make a film, as the directors he works with know all too well. Sergio Leone, for example (the director with whose ‘spaghetti western‘ films Morricone‘s music is synonymous), only began shooting Once Upon a Time in the West after Morricone had written his magnificent score. The music came first.
I‘ve been looking forward to this piece the entire year. I loved this 2 yrs ago when I first listened to this music in this book. I didn‘t quite blow me away the same way now, but still amazing.
And if you need a reason to listen this is what Burton-Hill writes:
“This sonata, by the way, is the piece used by the scientists who investigated the phenomenon known, for shorthand, as the ‘Mozart effect‘. They found that listening to this music for
My edition seems to want to shed its pages - and it‘s only February. How are you managing a reread @AnnCecilie ?
Just leaving this here, for anyone who needs it today.
This has become our morning routine. This morning (Steve Reich) was the first time I didn‘t want to listen to multiple recordings of the say‘s selection. Oh well, tomorrow is Shubert. @AnnCecilie
I have to thank @Librarybelle for putting this on my radar. When Jess posted about this series I thought this is exactly what I want for 2025. I ran out on New Year‘s Eve and bought this one and am so glad I did. I look so forward daily to each piece. Highly recommend. Thanks, Jess!!