Final NYRB Bonus Question!
We've read so many great novels during this book club - do you have a favorite? Or a top 3-5?
Final NYRB Bonus Question!
We've read so many great novels during this book club - do you have a favorite? Or a top 3-5?
In this book we meet Ophelia, who can read the past of objects and travel through mirrors. One day she is told that she‘s engaged to a man from an other ark. Shortly afterwards, he comes to take har back to his ark. A world completely different to the ark Ophelia is born. Once there, hardly anything is at it seems.
I can‘t remember the last time I was this involved in the life of a character.
Next up for #WomenReadWomen2019 hosted by @GatheringBooks
I‘m a little late in starting this, but hope to take part in the discussions as soon as I finish
#HollyJollyReading Day 28: Fats‘ review: “It‘s basically an introvert‘s Bible, in comics form. Any introvert would relate to Debbie‘s social experiences. It‘s a #nice addition to the growing list of books about introverts. (Someday, we will rule the world.)” Full review of her feature of three graphic memoirs by female artists for #WomenReadWomen2019: https://wp.me/pDlzr-kSD
I am finding this to be the perfect winter read. #WomenReadWomen2019
#HollyJollyReading Day 23: I have a feeling this is going to be my #HolidayMovie - but more like a TV series binge. Brought the first two books with me as well here in the US for my January reading which marks the end of our #WomenReadWomen2019 theme and the start of our #ReadIntl2020 theme where we feature international/translated titles from all over the world.
This amazing whirling dervish seemed like the perfect backdrop for Akata Witch. He swirled and whirled for 15 minutes. Finally found the time to do the touristy thing here in Dubai with the camel ride during the sunset, the quad bike, falcon show, and belly dancing and barbecue dinner. What a full and wondrous day. #WomenReadWomen2019
While ze husband and teenage daughter conquer the red dunes in their quadbike, I shall take a moment here in the shade and catch up on my reading. #NerdModeOn. #WomenReadWomen2019
#GratefulReads Day 29: This #BlackInTheTitle nonfiction is perfect for #WomenReadWomen2019. While there were familiar names included in this compilation of mini-biographies such as Ella Fitzgerald, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Wilma Rudolph, Rosa Parks – among others; there were also a few unknown-to-me formidable females. My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-kb9
#GratefulReads Day 24: There is a build-up of power in this narrative written by a Mormon woman. While I thought, initially that we had very little in common – her persistence in inviting me over to drink her words has loosened me up, and made me extend my hand in solidarity, in shared womanity, in friendship. This is a #memoir that will stay with me for a long time to come. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-l4F #WomenReadWomen2019
https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/53745996-scott?ref=nav_mybooks&shelf=nyrbb... 3y