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Sounds brilliant. But it's actually an absolute bag of shite. Bail @ 30%

TheSpineView #HailtheBail Bummer! May the next be better@ 1mo
KateReadsYA Ha. I love this!!!! I get so irritated when a book sounds like it's gonna be all that and a bag of chips and then it turns out to be absolute crap 😤 1mo
jamield1911 @katereads it's the worst. I saw it was a dark romance set in hell. At 25% it was still the same two people just walking on sand continuously 🤣 erm, no thank you. 1mo
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Moonbound: A Novel | Robin Sloan
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This one really did hold my interest in the beginning, but the further I got, the less I cared about these characters. And the way they all spoke in a very formal, semi monotonous manner was driving me crazy. The narrator was good, it was more about the way the dialogue was written. No one ever uses contractions in this story and it made them seem robotic somehow. #DNF #hailthebail

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Bail at 50% I can not take anymore.

Described as "hilarious laugh out loud fun." It is not hilarious, I did not laugh, and it certainly isn't fun. It went on and on and on.....

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Real Life: A Novel | Brandon Taylor
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Here is to learning what we don't like and moving on!

dabbe YES! #allhailthatbail! 🙌 2mo
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I Was A Teenage Slasher | Stephen Graham Jones

DNF - downloaded a e book sample to give this one a go as it sounded interesting but I still don‘t like his writing style sadly.

Would have been read for the Literally Dead Book Club

dabbe #allhailthatbail! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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I wanted so much to like this! I tried and hoped it would improve, but I‘m giving up. Made it a little more than halfway through. Why is even the play part boring? I don‘t like these women and they mostly don‘t feel like real, complete humans with true sisterly feelings for one another.
Sorry #camplitsy.

LapReader Going to listen to her this weekend at a Writer‘s Festival. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't a match. On to something better!! 3mo
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AmyG Same. 3mo
sarahbarnes I‘m sorry it didn‘t work for you! I liked it in the first part but it fell off in the end for me for sure. 3mo
Megabooks Yes, this was much duller than I hoped. Sorry it didn‘t work for you either! 3mo
Soubhiville @sarahbarnes that makes me feel better about bailing when I did. 3mo
Suet624 Haha. I didn‘t read your review until after I wrote mine. But that exactly where I bailed - in the middle of the play. 3mo
dabbe Yes! #allhailthatbail! 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
squirrelbrain The script part was a bit odd for me. Sietje looks like she‘s over it too! (edited) 3mo
Soubhiville @squirrelbrain 🤣 she‘s totally over it! 3mo
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