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Cursed | Thomas Wheeler
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Arthurian Legend centred around a teenaged girl chosen by the sword.

This book reads like a novelized TV script mash-up of Game of Thrones, The Witcher, Throne of Glass. Very very YA.

Not one single character is interesting; they all follow the inevitable YA and epic fantasy tropes. It was a boring read and I eventually bailed at 42%.

#ARC #InGerman #AufDeutsch

TrishB An honest review 👍🏻 4y
squirrelbrain Great review - sounds rubbish! 4y
alisiakae 😂 😂 4y
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#ARC #InGerman #AufDeutsch

This was a classic case of author living on previous fame.

Of course I was expecting something that would pull on my heart strings as One Day did, but this was disappointing.

Story about a boy on the brink of adulthood who is now, years later, looking back at all the things he regrets not doing.

Bland story, bland writing.

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I liked the story, it's a bit slow though and the main action happens on the last 60+ pages. It bridges the gap between TNG and the new TV series, focusing on the Romulan culture, which is very well done by the author.

BUT the German translation was not doing the original characters justice. There were common/catch phrases that were mistranslated and it took me out of the story every time.

#ARC #InGerman #AufDeutsch

Catherine_Willoughby This is only for the German translation? This is in my amazon basket . Big tng fan 5y
julesG @Catherine_Willoughby Yes, the German translation is 😒. The story is fine. 5y
Prairiegirl_reading So my husband loves the new show. Is the book the same story as the show? He isn‘t a reader be he might actually read this. 5y
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julesG @Prairiegirl_reading It's the story about the events before the show. The time between TNG and Picard. 5y
Prairiegirl_reading @julesG that is included in your original post isn‘t it!? Lol 🤦🏻‍♀️ sorry I didn‘t grasp that. 🤪🤪 5y
Meaw_catlady The show is soooooo amazing !!!! 5y
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Look, there is a little black cat named Shadow in this story. It's very smart. 😻

#German edition ARC of tagged book.


Riveted_Reader_Melissa I used to have a little black cat named Shadow. So cute. 6y
julesG @Riveted_Reader_Melissa We have a black cat named Shadow, so this coincidence is going to be a pleasant surprise for my daughter. She's reading this book too, but at a slower pace. 6y
Sace Ich habe eine schwarze Katze. Er heisst Bat. Bat ist nicht eine kleine Katze. Er is eine grosse Katze. (Please pardon my rotten German.) 6y
julesG @RestlessFickleBookHoarder that was good. I'd just change the third sentence to "Bat ist keine kleine Katze." 6y
Sace Danke! I'm also trying to practice as much as possible without the help of Google translate. 6y
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Ash and Quill | Rachel Caine
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Brought my #readingglasses 😉 to bed with me. I'm knackered from peopleing - and I split my lower lip, had to bite it so hard not to comment on a very idiotic/ignorant comment another mother made about the refugee crisis.

I hope I can still finish the tagged book for the #TheGreatLibraryChapterADay.

And since there is a German magazine about parenting in the picture #LitsyaufDeutsch #German #aufDeutsch 😉😉😉

Sace Being able to read Der Spiegel is my dream. 😁 6y
Graywacke Lip splitting self control. 😮 Impressive 6y
91 likes2 comments
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#litsyenespanol #litsyenfrancais have been used on Litsy...but not much.

#german is pretty popular

#aufDeutsch #litsyaufDeutsch and #litsylovesmanga have not been used.

I want to be Gretchen and try to make some of these "fetch" hashtags happen more. It's probably not gonna happen, but I like Gretchen's spirit and I want to follow in her footsteps. ?

Stay tuned....

ofbooksandme I would si participate in #Litsyenespanol. I definitely should read more in my own language. Also, #litsyenfrancais because that I 100% need to practice. 6y
Sace @ofbooksandme I'm definitely going to try and read a lot more en español just to use the hashtag! I don't know any French, but I included it anyway. I wonder if there is a #litsyenitaliano hashtag? Tagging @La_Cori 6y
LaLecture I read and post in German a lot, I just mostly don‘t have space for hashtags in my reviews 😅. But I‘ll follow the hashtags because I‘m curious what will be posted about them. 6y
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Sace @LaLecture exactly! I probably have a little more room for hashtags, I would love to see them used more for other languages especially if the post is in Spanish or German or whatever for even more practice (reading and in my case writing.) 6y
julesG Will try to use the German tags when talking about German books, but I might not post in German very often. 6y
Sace @julesG woot! 6y
La_Cori @RestlessFickleBookHoarder thanks for the tag.. I've found a few italians in here, but I've never seen an hashtag (#litsyinitaliano) 6y
saguarosally I need more #booksenespanol but they aren‘t nearly as abundant as books in English in the US. I used to live near a Spanish language bookstore but not anymore. 6y
Sace @La_Cori I wonder if there are any #littens learning Italian. 6y
Sace @saguarosally I get a lot on my kindle or order on Amazon.es 6y
saguarosally @RestlessFickleBookHoarder That is where I have found some so far. I have a number of Kindle books. 6y
Sace @saguarosally I do find myself preferring Spanish books in paper form though. For a while I liked kindle because I could hold a word and get a definition in Spanish (which I prefer) but for some reason my new kindle just gives the English translation which I'm not crazy about. 6y
mhillis 😍 #frenchlittens has been used a little too! 6y
Sace @mhillis I went and liked a few posts! 😁 6y
Lcsmcat @tournevis 👍🏻 6y
Lcsmcat @saguarosally I order French language books from Powells. I bet they have Spanish too. 6y
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