Astrid and Athos Dane, rulers of White London, and some of my #favevillians. The extremes they go through to get their way are horribly creative (and not always in a good way). #RiotGrams
**image from google image search.
Astrid and Athos Dane, rulers of White London, and some of my #favevillians. The extremes they go through to get their way are horribly creative (and not always in a good way). #RiotGrams
**image from google image search.
Satan as written by Milton is one of my all-time #favevillians. I really love everything about the way he retells this origin story and makes God and Satan and the Angels seem so human.
#somethingforsept Too many #favevillians to choose from but here's a few:
⏺Randall Flagg - Stephen King - The Stand
⏺Hannibal Lecter - Thomas Harris - Red Dragon
⏺Sauron - J.R.R. Tolkien - Lord of the rings
⏺Norman Bates - Robert Bloch - Psycho
⏺Annie Wilkes - Stephen King - Misery
⏺Patrick Bateman - Bret Easton Ellis - American Psycho
I could do another list to be fair, I do love a villain 😊
This book is one I STILL think about & while I still think about the plot and the twists and the craziness of it, I also just marvel at Gillian Flynn's ability to completely fool her audience. The entire first part of this book I HATED Ben. And then my emotions were wrenched when we were let in on the plot twist. Both Ben and Amy were the villains of this book for me, and they are my #FaveVillians #Day27 #SeptPhotoChallenge #SomethingForSept