Love is life
I've been up all night with my littlest one. Very high temp, cold hands and feet, shaking urgh. I wish i could take it from him. But as all kids are in illness he is being very brave. Don't think I'll get much reading done for the next couple of days!
Just stumbled upon this book.
Having had braces as a kid myself, the cause(s) of crowded teeth and narrow mandibles has always perplexed me. How does one get a wide smile naturally?
I lean on the theory that infants who are breastfed longer and given more solid foods to chew end up developing their jaw muscles and maintaining proper alignment.
Now I hear some say that even the way we swallow affects our palate shape.
Chewing gum anyone? 👄
#October 23 - #Undead / #Zombies - The proper care and #feeding of zombies - a completely #scientific guide to the lives of the undead. I have had this #book forever & still haven't #read it! I have loved zombies since I first saw #Romero 's #NightoftheLivingDead when I was a kid. #grave #shovel #dirt #hauntedbooktober #bookchallenge #bookstagram #LitsyFeature #zombielove