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Geek Love | Katherine Dunn

The only downside of this was the number of times I had to explain it‘s not about a nerdy guy falling in love. But seriously: a really great, albeit absurd, read!

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Loved this!

Woolf chronicles a part of history that has been overlooked but is integral to entertainment today: the birth of the freak show, the circus, and especially the people who made them possible. At times it reads like a PT Barnum biography, but its main focus is the ‘freaks‘ who commanded the attention of a society prone to look away.

Too long have they been in the dark; I‘m glad Woolf placed them in the spotlight again.

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Geek Love | Katherine Dunn
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Have you ever hated a book so much that you're angry at the friend who told you to read it? That's me with this one. All of the characters were extremely unlikable (except Chick) and the plot just got more and more outrageously horrible.

Child abuse ✔️
Murder ✔️
Toxic relationships ✔️
Medical experimentation ✔️
Hate crimes ✔️
Cult behavior ✔️
Animal abuse ✔️
Getting pregnant by magically stealing your brother's sperm ✔️

This won awards. 😳🤢

MissyD 😱 10mo
hannah-leeloo Oh gosh forget that 😱 10mo
Deblovestoread This is a book I‘ve always meant to read someday, not really knowing what it‘s about, because of some list. Now I can take it off my TBR. Thanks for this review! 10mo
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Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Lol I‘ve read this one.. like a car wreck - you just can‘t look away… 10mo
TieDyeDude Yeah, I kept hearing what a cult classic this was, but it was so messed up. I finished it, but I didn't really enjoy it, despite the excellent writing. 10mo
Sharpeipup Yes! 8mo
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Geek Love | Katherine Dunn
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Going to listen to this *very old* audiobook from my library. Every time I look at it, I think it‘s the wrong time. Now I need a #weird book for #booked2023 and this one has a lot of Litsy review about how odd it is. Perfect! 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Plus I‘m really trying to read stuff that I‘ve owned for a LONG time, instead of just getting distracted by the new and shiny things!

Cinfhen Ive heard this book is legit 🍌👖!!!!!! Can‘t wait to hear your thoughts 😁 12mo
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Same! I had a different book picked for this prompt, but it‘s print and I just won‘t read it soon enough. 12mo
AmyG Oh, it‘s weird all right. 12mo
Cinfhen That‘s another one that‘s meant to be super challenging !! Good luck 🍀 12mo
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Geek Love | Katherine Dunn
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30 book recommendations in 30 days...

Day 26: A dark, bizarre, and yet somehow extremely addictive read. If weird and uncomfortable reads are your thing, this one is for you. #30recsin30days

AmyG Strangest story I have ever read. 14mo
rachelk I‘ve had this on my bookshelf for decades and haven‘t read it yet 😬 14mo
CatLass007 I read this years ago when it was first released. Definitely a strange story but I enjoyed reading it. I think I remember reading something about a sequel. 14mo
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CatLass007 Or maybe not. 🤷‍♀️ 14mo
CuriousG @CatLass007 If there is a sequel I've never heard of it, but I would totally be in for it! 14mo
CuriousG @AmyG it's definitely up there on the strange factor! 14mo
CuriousG @rachelk I'm pretty sure I had it sitting on a shelf for a few years before I read it. It's an impossible one to explain the appeal, but strange in a super interesting way. 14mo
rachelk @CuriousG Ok, I‘m now moving it up my tbr out of curiosity 14mo
CuriousG @rachelk hope you like it! 14mo
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💥Available now💥

Described as: “A grotesque gallery of portraits of amazing human beings and a fascinating behind-the-scenes revelation of carnival life.“ ~𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝒀𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔
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Geek Love | Katherine Dunn
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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Day 27, so playing caught up.
Promot: Step Brothers

Klou I've got some catching up to do!
Great pick!
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Geek Love | Katherine Dunn
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🌟🌟🌟A car wreck you just can‘t look away from is the only way to describe this book. That is all.