Readable, but not in depth. Does pretty much exactly what it says on the tin.
Readable, but not in depth. Does pretty much exactly what it says on the tin.
Liv‘s dad, who ran away to Greece, asks her to help him w/ his Atlantis documentary. When she gets there, she meets Theo, her father‘s charming “prod g”/assistant. Will she ever understand her dad? Will all the alone time w/ Theo led to something?
This one was cute. It was just a little slow & long for me. I also wanted a little more romance. It was interesting learning more about theories on Atlantis tho
Was fun to escape to Corfu with the Durrell family for a while. Was surprised at how often I chuckled aloud while reading, also how well the TV miniseries (which I watched a few years ago) adapted it.
And ticked off another prompt for the #192025 challenge. @Librarybelle
Meanwhile more snow in the forecast for tomorrow. 😑
I'm not feeling this one right now. I suspect I added it to my TBR for my kids at some point because it's more their thing than mine. Maybe I'll revisit it at some point, but I'm setting it aside for now. One down for #Roll100! Not a very satisfying way to mark it off, but it does get it off my TBR.
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it.
A great companion for a Mediterranean trip. August Blue is alluring, hard to put down and sprinkled with witty humour and biting social commentary. I have a sense that a little too much goes left unsaid to really understand what‘s going on, and I didn‘t get particularly invested in Elsa‘s narrative; we join her following THAT performance when she is trying to redefine and reassess who she is. Ultimately the dreamlike prose pulled me along. 7/10
I LOVED this book. And yet, I immediately feel the need to very sparingly recommend it, because it's one of those ones that I would not have thought I would love, if I knew what it was before I read it. Sure, the ancient Greek part, the discussion of Euripides' plays is a draw. I can get on board with bringing a smaller scale, down-to-earth focus on a few characters to historical or 'from the distant past' events, 1/?
Watching the nibling for the afternoon, and they‘re doing a Greek mythology thing at school, so it‘s time to bring out the book I got for Christmas when I was their age. ❤️
Another on audio. A quick read fortunately because I really disliked it. Not the main character although he wants me to but the time I spent listening to the same story from different sides. About a murder at a Greek island where seven annoying people have gathered from London to work some things out.
Don‘t bother reading it I‘d say.