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Tales of Beedle the Bard | J.K. Rowling
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I was so busy getting caught up on all you guys' posts last night that I forgot to post my own pic... the used book store by my house has two doors, but only one is usable. The other is in the front corner, and they have the kids books located there. There is a shelf, and they display books on it so they can be seen in the window to draw in customers. Well, this one fell down and will be forever trapped bc the shelves are bolted into place. 👇👇

vkois88 It hurts my heart to have books get so badly faded after being in direct sunlight for so long, but it ESPECIALLY hurts to see books trapped and lost forever (they don't have a key to open this door). And this particular book being the one that fell??? 😭😭😭 That's why this is my pick for #inthewindow #MagicalMarch @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 6y
Christine11 😢 That is so sad that it‘s trapped ! 6y
quillable Oh no that's so tragic!! 6y
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Genstl3 It‘s almost like a see through time capsule... it reminds me of something in a time travel book. Where everything changes around it but the book will always remain. 6y
vkois88 @Genstl3 that's a good way to put a positive, unique spin on it!! I just wish I could save it lol 6y
Genstl3 Right!?! I agree @vkois88 6y
Genstl3 Although, @vkois88 it looks as though there has been a few books that have slipped through. You think they would stop placing them where they could fall through like that. 6y
vkois88 @Genstl3 one would think so! This isn't even he worst picture from the window. There's a book that's literally splayed and stuck like that where the handle is. I couldn't get a clear reading but I think it was Count of Monte Cristo. I worked there many years ago, but purposely never placed anything on the top where it could get knocked behind. 6y
vkois88 *the 6y
CSeydel 😱 this picture & story give me physical pain 🤕📚💗 6y
vkois88 @CSeydel same!!! I want to rescue it SO bad but I wouldn't even know how to start going about it! 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Today was busy, so I only just got around to thinking about the photo challenges! (We found a Goodwill distribution place that sold things by the pound and I got kinda lost in it. Plus, book buying ban destroyed as I got a few books 😔)

#currentread #booksandshelfiesM18 @amabear
#inthewindow #Magicalmarch @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88
#flowers #readingresolutions @jess7

vkois88 I'm right there with you... every time I say I'm going to start my ban, I find about 20 new things I want either at Goodwill or the used BS by my house. It's a vicious circle. I should just stay out of those places lol 6y
night_shift @vkois88 I know! Same! I'd been doing so good, too, but I couldn't pass up 2.59 per hardback and 1.59 per paperback. Thankfully, I only got 4 plus three for the kiddo. Those places are dangerous for me though lol 6y
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How to Hang a Witch | Adriana Mather
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#magicalmarch #inthewindow

This YA book has been on my radar for awhile now.

LibrarianRyan Mine too. I have book 2. I just need to get book 1. 6y
vkois88 Ooooh yes! Love this pick! It's on my TBR as well! 6y
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I wish I could say the Demon broke my window, but I can't. My brother did it. And the best part; the old windows in this house are no longer standard size. They are speciality custom order. So it's getting a smaller window. I had just got done painting his room when this happened. Ughhhh

#inthewindow #magicalmarch
#windows #readingresolutions

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Darn! That‘s really bad luck....maybe smaller window and a window seat for reading? 6y
LibrarianRyan @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have a day bed going under the window. I have to get my closet in before the bed can be put together. Maybe next weekend. 6y
CouronneDhiver Oh no! 6y
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JaclynW Oh man! 😕 6y
vkois88 Oh no! That's rotten luck. Makes for an interesting story/pic though. I love the paint you picked out, it's a beautiful color 6y
LibrarianRyan @vkois88 josh picked it. It's Calle Razzberies. I would have come with the lighter pink Primrose. We had almost as many paint shade samples for this room as we did for our bedroom. 6y
drokka Ugh. Replacing those huge windows is such a pain. 6y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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From my read list. Some were better than others.

#MagicalMarch #Inthewindow
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

NataliePatalie Did you like Flowers in the Attic??? Lol 6y
NataliePatalie I haven't read it but I've read ABOUT it. Was going to say it didn't seem like your genre hahah. 6y
Blueberry I was about 18 on a road trip and it belonged to my sister. 6y
vkois88 I haven't read it but I always see it pop up different places. I almost feel obligated to read it at some point 6y
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A Tap on the Window | Linwood Barclay
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One of the windows I need to open in 2018, I love Linwood Barclay books but been a while since I read one! #MagicalMarch #InTheWindow

vkois88 Oh, this one sounds good too!! You guys are killing me with all these prompts lol... I keep writing down titles to look for later 6y
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#InTheWindow #MagicalMarch great thriller ❤️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks good!! I still haven‘t read Hidden Bodies!!! 😩😩 6y
DeborahSmall @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it‘s as good as You!! You need to read it ❤️ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @DeborahSmall there‘s just so many!! Right?! 🤣💕 6y
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DeborahSmall @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks definitely! Real issues 😂❤️ 6y
SilversReviews Looks good. I have heard of it but have not read it. 6y
ShookBelf I've had this sat on my bookshelf for years - maybe it's time to actually read it 😂 6y
vkois88 Sounds good! Added it to my ever growing TBR 😂 6y
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Angelas Ashes PB | Frank McCourt
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3 books from the tbr with windows on the covers! The cover for The Fate of Mercy Alban is just gorgeous!! Anyone read these?

mcipher I haven‘t read them but I love this picture! 💕 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @mcipher thank you!!! 💕😘 6y
Schnoebs I personally wasn‘t a fan of Angela‘s Ashes but that might also be because it was required reading in high school and I had to write one too many reports on it 😂 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Schnoebs that could have something to do with it!! 😉 6y
LeahBergen I LOVED Angela‘s Ashes! 😍😍😍 6y
vkois88 I read Angela's Ashes many years ago... it definitely left an impact. Such a beautiful picture!! ❤❤ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88 thank you!!! ❤️ 6y
JaclynW I liked Angela's Ashes. A very memorable book. 6y
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A couple of appropriate covers for #inthewindow #magicalmarch

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love these covers!!! 💕 6y
vkois88 Beautiful! Those books sound interesting 6y
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