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Labor Day
Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
WiththeendofsummerclosinginandasteamyLaborDayweekendloominginthetownofHoltonMills,NewHampshire,thirteen-year-oldHenrylonely,friendless,nottoogoodatsportsspendsmostofhistimewatchingtelevision,reading,anddaydreamingaboutthesoftskinandbuddingbodiesofhisfemaleclassmates.ForcompanyHenryhashislong-divorcedmother,Adeleaonetimedancerwhosesummerprojectwastoteachhimhowtofoxtrot;hishamster,Joe;andawkwardSaturday-nightoutingstoFriendly'swith hisestrangedfatherandnewstepfamily.Asmuchashetries,Henryknowsthatevenwithhisjokesandhis"HusbandforaDay"coupon,hestillcan'tmakehisemotionallyfragilemotherhappy.Adelehasasecretthatmakesithardforhertoleavetheirhouse,andseemstopossessanirreparablybrokenheart. ButallthatchangesontheThursdaybeforeLaborDay,whenamysteriousbleedingmannamedFrankapproachesHenryandasksforahand.Overthenextfivedays,Henrywilllearnsomeoflife'smost valuablelessons:howtothrowabaseball,thesecrettoperfectpiecrust,thebreathlesspainofjealousy,thepowerofbetrayal,andtheimportanceofputtingothersespeciallythoseweloveaboveourselves.Andtheknowledgethatrealloveisworthwaitingfor. InamannerevokingIanMcEwan'sAtonementandNickHornby'sAboutaBoy,acclaimedauthorJoyceMaynardweavesabeautiful,poignanttaleoflove,sex,adolescence,anddevastatingtreacheryasseenthroughtheeyesofayoungteenageboyand themanhelaterbecomeslookingbackatanunexpectedencounterthatbeginsonesinglelong,hot,life-alteringweekend.
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Eggs 💛💚🧡 4mo
willaful I loved this book. 4mo
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice 📚 7mo
Eggs That‘s perfect 🪟 7mo
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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I saw the movie for the first time a few months ago and I loved the book. Just beautiful.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one 💚 9mo
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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#FallTreasures #Lasorda
@eggs & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
I made some homemade tomato soup from tomatoes from my garden today! Happy Harvest!

Eggs Yum 🍅!! 3y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Eggs 💙💛💙 3y
sharread ❤🥳🤩 3y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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#falltreasures #laborday @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
I chose this coz it appeared the most when I googled 😅

Eggs 👏🏻📚👏🏻 3y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Eggs 💙🧡💙 3y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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#falltreasures @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Day 6: Labor day
I have never read this book but I've seen the movie lol

Eggs 📚👏🏻📚 3y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard

A story about a 13 year old boy, his mother, and an escaped convict who they befriend. I had tears in my eyes at the end.

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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A first for me. I listened to a book right to the end. I enjoyed this story and the experience of just listening.
I loved the ending. @MrsMalaprop
#2020 joybooks.

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Just starting this tonight

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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In this case I liked the movie better 🤷🏼‍♀️ I love Kate Winslet ❤️

I hope everyone has a great, safe holiday if you‘re celebrating 🥳🎉🎊🎈

kaysworld1 Oh the movie was great, I haven't read the book x 5y
TheNerdyProfessor I loved this book! A good pick for today! 5y
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AmyG Ha! Perfect choice. Happy Labor Day! 5y
Mindyrecycles Family‘s going to son‘s house. He has a pool and a grill so we‘re all set! 🏊‍♀️ 🍔 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Mindyrecycles yay!!! Have fun!!! 🙌🏻🎉🎊 5y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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I'm a labor lawyer, so today is an important day. Hope most if not all of you got to relax. Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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#ReadingResolutions #labordayreads @Jess7
Just home from an all day BBQ not sure i can stay up long enough to read so i went with this book/ movie selection for today's prompt

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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I‘m always looking for a good romance

Nessavamusic Thank you for entering! 6y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Truth! 😂😂😂 📚

monkeygirlsmama Omg how I will be reflecting today! Bahahahaha This has been a terrible year for me bookwise. Between moving twice and living at my grandma‘s trying to help her downsize so she can move, I probably read less in the past 10 months than I was reading in an average month alone. 🤪 6y
Reviewsbylola For real! 6y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Mourning the loss of summer today. Tomorrow brings the unfortunate return to the craziness of back at school. #teachersoflitsy 😭

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Little sale in the shop... 10% Off applies at checkout 😍 https://etsy.me/2o9Z1SE

aprilpohren Ohhh! Love this! 6y
LeahBergen This would be perfect for the #WitchPleaseSwap that is going on right now. 😄 6y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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1. I‘m seeing all my old students this weekend. Dinner with one today, movies with one tomorrow, and watching another‘s football game Sunday. The best kind of weekend.
2. No thanks. Instead I‘ve reminded you of this book loosely related to the holiday weekend. Remember this one?!
3. Anything spicy. Pickles. Sauerkraut (I‘m the worst German)
4. Nope! I was a marching band kid.
5. Thanks!! I plan to.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Sounds like many of us in the US will get rain. Join us in this challenge to finish two books( I‘m picking two already started!) in the long weekend. Copy and share your intentions if you‘d like to jump start your September reading total. #TwoinThree. Tag @Samplergal with your progress.

tammysue I‘m in! 👍🏻 6y
InBooksILive Oh I would so be doing this if I wasn't moving all stinking weekend 😫 definitely not going to get much reading done! 😭 6y
Samplergal @InBooksILive Ugh. I‘m so sorry. Hopefully it‘s to your dream home and so makes it worth it. 6y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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#twointhree readathon for Labor Day weekend. I actually have zero plans! @Samplergal

Samplergal Excellent! 6y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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A beautiful and heartbreaking story about how a stranger comes into the life of a mother and son and impacts their lives. A great book from @pageonebooks. See my review at https://youtu.be/1ooLZ_DuSWI
#literarylife #bookreview #page1books #laborday #joycemaynard #bookwormreading #fiction #bookish #bookworm #booklove #booknerd #booktorecommend

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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This week's TBR! Have a few really good sounding fiction books, and a book about Laura Ingalls Wilder. Off now to read! Hear about these at https://youtu.be/m8AklUCeR3Y
#literarylife #toread #tbr #laborday #joycemaynard #sternmen #elizabethgilbert #prairiefires #lauraingallswilder #lauraingalls #carolinefraser #theoverstory #richardpowers

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Love, love when my box arrives from @pageonebooks!! Dont these books look so good? I haven't read either yet. Has anyone read them? See my unboxing at https://youtu.be/fNC-oz2otnU
#literarylife #page1books #booksubscriptionbox #bookunboxing #booksubscriptionboxunboxing #laborday #joycemaynard #blinddatewithabook #elizabethgilbert #sternmen #bookworm #booknerd #bookish

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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This book was a labor to get through, and not a labor of love mind you... No part of this book was believable to me and I‘m surprised I completed it.

No mind to Mr Snuffs in the background 😊

To those that enjoyed it, I‘d like to discuss with you!

Also... Was the movie any better?!

JanuarieTimewalker13 Haha!! Mr. Snufs is soooo cute!! 6y
RohitSawant Mr. Snuffs! 😻😻 6y
Judybskt I liked the book but enjoyed the movie better. 6y
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akckitty @Judybskt Thank you! I enjoyed the writing style in this book. But the challenging part was the story line as I was trying to understand why it went so long without anyone saying anything. I do think that I might enjoy the movie more - maybe it flows better? 6y
akckitty @rohit-sawant @JanuarieTimewalker13 😺😺😺 ! 6y
Judybskt @Akckitty It does flow better! Plus the main character is so hot! Can‘t remember his name! 6y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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This is a lovely story. I watched this movie a few years ago(probably because of Kate Winslet). I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I decided to try the book and it was even better than the movie.

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard

Great book

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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From my read list. Some were better than others.

#MagicalMarch #Inthewindow
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

NataliePatalie Did you like Flowers in the Attic??? Lol 6y
NataliePatalie I haven't read it but I've read ABOUT it. Was going to say it didn't seem like your genre hahah. 6y
Blueberry I was about 18 on a road trip and it belonged to my sister. 6y
vkois88 I haven't read it but I always see it pop up different places. I almost feel obligated to read it at some point 6y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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#Heartsoncover ❤️💗❤️💗

Out of these 3 I have read the tagged book... it was just ok for me...

Godmotherx5 Cool cover with the window. I hate when the cover is better than the book. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Godmotherx5 me too!!! I really wanted to like it!!! 6y
MichelleScott_author The Rosie Project is fun. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Coffeeshopreviews I‘ve got to get to it!! So many so little time!!! 6y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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My perfect Labor Day: relaxing reading, delicious BBQ, and time with my boys!

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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I hope everyone has enjoyed their Labor Day holiday!! (If you are in the US!) Otherwise I hope everyone else has enjoyed their day!!

kspenmoll Great photo! 7y
Melissa_J It's Labour Day here in Canada, too (only difference is the 'u' 🤣) 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @kspenmoll thank you!! Just remembered that I had the book! Didn't really like it lol! It made a good photo though! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Melissa_J nice!!! Happy Labour Day!!! 😊💕 7y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Breakfast on the porch with #Litsy before I start my day.

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Think I'll do the #LitsyPartyofOne this weekend! I've got a couple books I'd like to knock out before picking up new library holds on Tuesday (when I go back to work). Also, today starts #RIPXII which I'm super excited about too. Bring on the spooky!

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Gah! Unfortunate sign placement, indeed! I immediately thought of @MrBook and the sign faux pas he has posted.

Alfoster 😂😂😂😂😂! 7y
MrBook 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Whoops! 7y
Laura317 I might add that this is my home county. It's traditionally Republican, so I can't say with certainty that this might not be on purpose. 😞 7y
Rachbb3 Lol! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Laura317 I'm betting it was, only because I've seen similar things done in my traditional Republican area too...sad to say. 7y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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Spread the word, @Ambrosnazzy is hosting another #LitsyPartyOfOne, during Labor Day weekend! Come join the fun!

coffeewithbooks What do we do for this marathon? 7y
CrowCAH @abigail_mom read, Read, READ! And post on Litsy with the #LitsyPartyOfOne hashtag. Simple and not too difficult. 7y
SpookyHouseofBooks Just found out about and have it marked on my calendar as well as in my day planner , so I'll be doing this one as well as the Emtpy shelfie read athon 7y
DeborahSmall I'll be in Spain! I'm sure I'll be reading all day though 💜📖☀️😎 7y
CrowCAH @DeborahSmall wow! That will be a fun paaartaaay!!! 😊 7y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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I loved this book! The writing is sharp, and I love that the author chose to write from the perspective of the 13 year old son. He was the outsider watching a love affair between his mother and a convict unfold before him, and it was a strong choice. Even though you can guess what happens, the denouement was satisfying, and leaves you feeling that love isn't always easy or convenient, but it's always worth it.

ReadingEnvy Love your pup. 7y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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This is my pick for the #PopSugarChallenge for the holiday other than Christmas category, and for today's #bookintomovie prompt. I'll try to read it close to the actual Labor Day holiday! #tbr #splashintosummerreads

Caroline2 I've seen the film (I thought it was brilliant) but I haven't read the book yet! Looking forward to hearing what you think of it! 7y
OriginalCyn620 @Caroline2 I haven't seen the movie, but if it that's good, then that gives me high hopes for the book! 7y
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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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This one has been sitting on my bookshelf for at least a couple of years. I finally grabbed it at random from all the other books that have been sitting for way too long and I am so glad I did. Although I could predict what was going to happen about 80 pages before the end I still loved it. #mayreads #readyourowndamnbooks

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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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This great book-turned-movie is on sale today for both Kindle and Nook! Grab it and cross off one of your reading challenge prompts! #ebookdeal

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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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A week later and I finally finished! I hate when life gets in the way of reading. Anyway...I'm at a loss as to what to say about it. This book was an interesting, slightly disturbing, happy ending read. I enjoyed it!

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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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I thought it was very fitting to begin reading Labor Day today, considering the holiday. But then Litsy was having trouble all day and I was afraid my choice of book/day pairing would go unappreciated. So far I've fallen deep into this book head first and don't understand why no one in the book finds the circumstances as freaking weird as I do! Let's see where this goes...

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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard

More sexual than I expected but makes sense, I suppose, with a 13yo male narrator. Unique cast of characters. Deliberately told, suspenseful.

Labor Day | Joyce Maynard

Ooo! Didn't know there was a movie! Halfway thru the audio. Well-written.

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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard

Read this as part of Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge. Found the film first. Because Tobey Maguire can narrate anything. Loved the feeling of both. Except the slap in the film.

Life is messy. Actions can't easily be explained. But there's love in everything, somewhere.

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Labor Day | Joyce Maynard
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This is the perfect novel to read while going to a beach getaway.