I just picked up this beautiful Narnia print from artist Deb Lee (DEBLEEART.com)! I'm so in love with all the detail! 😍 #LiteraryArt
I just picked up this beautiful Narnia print from artist Deb Lee (DEBLEEART.com)! I'm so in love with all the detail! 😍 #LiteraryArt
I thought I'd share this piece of #LiteraryArt with everyone doing the Name of the Wind buddy read. I met Donato, the artist, at #GenCon earlier this year.
#TNotW #EpicBuddyRead @TricksyTails @MinDea
Reading is a journey. ❤️📚💫
I‘ve always loved these illustrations! 💗📚👑
I purchased this original piece of #LiteraryArt from the amazing Corinne Roberts this past weekend. She's one of my favorite artists and I have several of her prints hanging in my house, but I'm super stoked to add an original to my collection. Plus, who can resist Squirrel Girl and Tippytoes?
#GRCC #GraphicNovel
I picked up this awesome piece of #LiteraryArt while we were in Kansas City. It's by Randal Spangler and was one of MANY bookish prints he had made. We chose this one because books + dragons + cat + cookies = ❤.
My sister gave me this picture a couple of years ago and it now hangs over my smaller bookcase along with a couple of prints of faeries: one reading a book, the other with her feet soaking in a tea cup. #bookanddrink #uncannyoctober
Non-reading pursuits. On occasion at work (and at a library) I‘ve ran Paint Nights that are based off books. These are a few that I did at work. I‘m rather fond of the middle which I based off The Hobbit.
It's the most wonderful time of the year! All of the spooky kids books (and grown up books) are arriving in the shop and I am currently in deep love with the art in Cinderella Skeleton. #literaryart #picturebooklove