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Boulder | Eva Baltasar
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#12DaysofChristmas #12booksof2023

My May choice is one from the #Booker longlist. In only 105 pages Eva Baltasar writes about love in a way that‘ll stick with me for a long time time.

Megabooks Apparently I missed your review of this! It‘s been a crazy year! 9mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Do read it if you can. It‘s short and its impact is 💥 9mo
Andrew65 Sounds good. 9mo
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This is a beautifully written book about one woman's life in Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War, though it is quite slow paced at the beginning.

My daughter found this #VMC edition for me last year, and I'm glad I finished it before my upcoming trip to Barcelona. I hope I'll have time to visit the Plaça del Diamant, where the book is set.

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Boulder | Eva Baltasar
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This was a “meh” for me. I appreciated the complicated & richly emotional context of the MC‘s failing relationship. But, it didn‘t speak to me. I‘m only likely to remember this novella for the final nursing scene. 😜

BarbaraBB That‘s too bad, I really loved this one 🤷🏻‍♀️ 11mo
Tamra @BarbaraBB just never know! That‘s the fun of it. 😊 11mo
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Boulder | Eva Baltasar
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#InternationalBooker list, though I don‘t typically read those titles, I am amazed at this slim character study!! Boulder is a woman who is more comfortable at sea, physically exhausted than contained in domesticity. She falls in love which changes her whole world. Then motherhood hits and everything changes. The way new motherhood is described from the non-birthing partner‘s perspective is phenomenal.

bnp Tempting. 14mo
Dilara @bnp I agree! 13mo
BarbaraBB I loved this book 💖 💖 (edited) 13mo
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Boulder | Eva Baltasar
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What a unique character. And yet, who knows just how unique Boulder really is. How many women feel the same way she does but don‘t feel they can share their desire of being unattached. Especially her feelings toward motherhood and being isolated from the person you love and are so close to, abandoned because a child has entered the scene. Some lovely writing too.

Tamra Great review - anxious to read! 1y
Suet624 @Tamra I hope you like it. ❤️ 1y
BarbaraBB This was a five ⭐️read for me 1y
Cathythoughts Great review! I see I have it stacked already 👍🏻❤️ 1y
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Boulder | Eva Baltasar
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A night all by myself, at a bar in the city I grew up in. Feeling nostalgic and blown away by this book.
In only 105 pages Eva Baltasar writes about love in a way that resonates with me. Love for another woman, love for a child, love for ordinary things like cooking food and working and traveling.
This may sound sappy but the book isn‘t. On the contrary, it‘s dark and beautiful.

My favorite of the #internationalbooker shortlist so far.

BarbaraBB Far fetched but I am using this book for
#ReadingTheAmericas2023 🇨🇱 #Chile @Librarybelle
TrishB Fantastic review. This is so expensive here for 112 pages! 1y
squirrelbrain Your food looks yummy! 😋 1y
See All 17 Comments
youneverarrived 😍😍 I was about to stack the book but see I already have! Sounds like my kind of book 1y
Tamra What a delightful evening all to yourself! 1y
Ruthiella Booktuber Eric also raved about this book. @EricKarlAnderson" rel="nofollow" target="_top">https://youtube.com/@EricKarlAnderson 1y
BarbaraBB @TrishB I‘ll keep an eye out for you if it gets cheaper here. When it is I‘ll buy you a copy. You should read it too. 1y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @tamra It was perfect! The food was delicious Vietnamese and I allowed myself a glass of wine (mostly I only drink alcohol in the weekend) 😎 1y
BarbaraBB @youneverarrived I do think it is indeed. Hope you‘ll read it! 1y
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella Thanks for the link! He says some insightful stuff. Are you planning to read it? 1y
sarahbarnes Yes, I felt exactly that way about this book! Great review. I hope you enjoyed your night! 1y
Ruthiella @BarbaraBB I normally don‘t follow the International Booker unless a book gets REALLY big, like The Vegetarian. But I am interested in reading this in particular regarding it‘s look at the decision to not have children. 1y
Librarybelle Wow! Sounds really good 1y
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella it‘s about not wanting children indeed and about so much more. It packs a punch in 109 pages and I really recommend it 1y
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I had a wonderful night (I never dine alone!) and really loved the book. Thanks for making me read it by wrong your review 🤍 1y
Megabooks Sounds amazing! And I‘m glad you had a good night alone. 💜 it‘s so great to get that time to just read! 1y
Suet624 Well.. I found it at a Vermont library but apparently I need to renew my library card. Boo. 1y
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Boulder | Eva Baltasar
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“This wasn‘t a part of our plan. The truth is we‘d never made any plans, we‘d just taken huge bites out of life.” 🤍

Permafrost | Eva Baltasar
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My love for this slim debut novel is all about the sentences; Eva Baltasar is a poet and you know it. Her lesbian protagonist cannot emotionally connect with other people but she certainly has a lot of sex… in between thinking about ways to kill herself. The narrative arc is very satisfying & I plan to read Baltasar‘s International Booker shortlisted 2nd novel soon. #Translation from Catalan by Julia Sanches. #LGBTQ

Lindy Baltasar‘s second in a triptych (the third hasn‘t yet been translated): 1y
KathyWheeler Do the books need to be read in order? 1y
Lindy @KathyWheeler I don‘t know, but I don‘t think so. I‘m guessing the links between the three are mainly thematic, based on what I‘ve heard about Boulder. 1y
KathyWheeler @Lindy Thanks. 1y
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Permafrost | Eva Baltasar
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A successful suicide, these days, is heroic. The world is full of unscrupulous people certified in first aid: they‘re everywhere, gray and unassuming like female pigeons but aggressive like mothers.