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My sausage friend says hi 👋🏻

#nokidog #dogsoflitsy

Gissy Hi beauty!👋🐶🧡🧡🧡 2y
JenReadsAlot Adorable 😍 2y
TheSpineView ❤️🐕❤️ 2y
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sarahbellum 🤩 I love that sausage‘s spots! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Gissy @JenReadsAlot @TheSpineView @sarahbellum I will pass the love on to Noki 😊🥰 2y
SconsinBookyBadger Hi sausage doggo! 🐾💕 2y
Leftcoastzen Oh my goodness! Cuteness overload !🐶 2y
batsy Hello there! 😍 2y
Megabooks So cute!! 2y
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My blanket has been stolen!!!!

Puppy snoodles 💕

#nokidog #dogsoflitsy

OriginalCyn620 Oh my goodness! So cute! 🐶❤️ 2y
DaveGreen7777 Awww! 🥰🐶 2y
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TheSpineView Adorable! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @OriginalCyn620 @DaveGreen7777 @OutsmartYourShelf @TheSpineView Pickles was not so happy about having a doggie visitor in the house 😬😾 but he enjoyed himself! 2y
AlaMich That‘s a great photo! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @AlaMich Thanks! He looks very comfy! 2y
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Thank you all for your supportive messages the other day. I'm grateful to have you all in my life. 💕💕

Have a picture of a very sleepy puppy to show my appreciation!

#dogsoflitsy #nokidog

Soubhiville Aw snuggles 🥰 2y
ravenlee Wow, Pickles has really changed! 2y
Megabooks 💜💜💜 2y
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Dragon 🐕💚🐉 2y
TrishB Didn‘t see original post, sending hugs now ❤️ 2y
batsy Awww 😍 2y
RaeLovesToRead @ravenlee 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2y
RaeLovesToRead @TrishB Thanks, Trish! 🥰🤗 2y
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She also sent me some pictures of him enjoying the beach 🥰💕

#dogsoflitsy #nokidog

sarahbellum Gaaaah the cuteness! 😍 2y
JenReadsAlot Omg so cute! 2y
BookNAround He‘s so precious and the pictures are fantastic. 2y
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Gissy 🐶❤️❤️❤️ 2y
TheRiehlDeal Noki is living the life. ❤️ 2y
Branwen OMG! CUTENESS OVERLOAD! ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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Annis (my sister) just sent me this picture of Noki with her latest book haul 😄

Soooo cute! 🥰🥰🥰

(I'm going to swipe the Ruth Ware once she's done with it...)

#dogsoflitsy #nokidog

vivastory That's great that your sister likes to read too 2y
Susanita I‘m going to fall over from the cuteness! 2y
marleed Oh my goodness! 2y
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batsy Noki! 😍 2y
BookNAround So, so cute! 2y
Ruthiella Adorable! 🐶❤️ 2y
aa_guer2021 Cuteness overload!!! 🥹🥹❤️🐶 2y
Gissy Soooo cute! 🐶❤️❤️❤️ 2y
TheRiehlDeal How can you say no to that face?! Such a cutie! 🐶❤️ 2y
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory Yeah, most of my family members read, but we have quite different tastes... Annis likes thrillers and authors like Sue Townsend and Jojo Moyes, Dad likes weird fiction and fantasy, Mum likes cosy crime and mystery and Grandma likes anything with murders! 2y
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