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Penguin Problems | Jory John
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Complaining too much? This book leads to the philosophy: no matter where you go, there you are. Classic Jory John humor and Lane Smith simplicity. 🐧🐧🐧🐧

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | Anne Collins, Alexander McCall Smith
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2.5/5⭐ There's very little connective tissue to the story. Often an entire chapter goes onto a tangent into a side character's full history or Botswanan history/culture. The main plot doesn't make its presence known until 2/3 of the way through, and even then there's no sense of urgency or conflict/difficulty and it's distracted from with sideplots. I like the main character but there was never a hook for me. #roll100

Librarybelle I liked this one but wasn‘t in love with it, if that makes sense. I know others who absolutely devoured this series, they loved it that much. 4mo
Ruthiella All the books are like this. I love ‘em but I can see where they would not appeal to everyone. 4mo
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The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | Anne Collins, Alexander McCall Smith
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Day 299.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Dear Nobody | Berlie Doherty
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The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | Anne Collins, Alexander McCall Smith
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#BookReport 18/22

Four books, three for #ReadingAfrica2022. The tagged one and especially The House at Sugar Beach, were absolutely great. The #Persephone was an okay read, Homo Safaricus I just finished. Review will follow soon!

squirrelbrain A good week! 😘 2y
Cinfhen Great week💕love the photo 🤩 2y
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The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | Anne Collins, Alexander McCall Smith
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If not for #ReadingAfrica2022 I would never have discovered this popular series about the lovely Mma Ramotswe, owner of the first ladies‘ detective agency in #Botswana. The mysteries she solves are not the point I think, the book especially shows a deep love for Africa. It‘s hard to believe a white man wrote this book yet he did an excellent job!

#19822022 #1998 #ReadingAfrica2022 🇧🇼

Librarybelle Great choice!! 2y
BarbaraBB @Librarybelle Yes, it‘s a great read! 2y
Libby1 I love this series. He‘s one of my favourite authors. 2y
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BarbaraBB @Libby1 I am glad I have discovered him! 2y
katcalvin Loooove these books. The HBO series was also a delight. 2y
BarbaraBB @katcalvin I didn‘t know there is a series as well. I‘ll have to check it out! Thanks! 2y
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The Worry Web Site | Jacqueline Wilson
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An old children‘s book I never read, but it was a cute read! Follows a handful of kids and their worries ranging from having a crush to not wanting their stepmother. Cute read filled with British humor that may not be everyone‘s cup of tea. A bit of a product of it‘s time, but I liked it.

Just trying to get through my physical TBR, and trust me I‘ve got a long way to go haha. Promise it‘s not all comics and children lit. 😂


The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | Anne Collins, Alexander McCall Smith
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Feel like I'm the odd one out for this opinion but here it goes...
I found the characters charming but the story as a whole boring. I guess I prefer the more dramatic whodunnits than this (much more) realistic take on the detective.
Perhaps in a different mood this would suit but currently with covid still dampering the social excitement of my life, I need something with a little more oomph. Still, I finished it in a week so can't be too bad eh?