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In the Woods | Tana French
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It‘s not a bad book. It‘s a bad fit for me. I don‘t often like mysteries, so it was already a bad start. It was fine until all the narrative winks and nudges started, which threw me and then irritated me. I had most of the twists pegged early, then couldn‘t figure why it was supposed to be surprising. I really disliked the (lack of) resolution to both stories and it frustrated me greatly. Sorry, French fans, but I just didn‘t like it.

ravenlee Best thing was crossing off #setinDublin for #52Books23 which leaves me with just one more, #byacomedian (I have one ready, just need to get time to read it) (edited) 9mo
kricheal I had the same exact feelings with this one. 9mo
Texreader I bailed. It just never ever ever took off for me 9mo
ravenlee @kricheal @Texreader I‘m glad it‘s not just me! I see so much love for this series, and I just couldn‘t get into it. 9mo
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Old God's Time: A Novel | Sebastian Barry
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Retired police detective Tom Kettle is visited by officers investigating one of his unsolved cases, stirring up memories, both sweet & painful. It took me a while to get into the book, the narrative is very much in Tom‘s mind which wanders & occasionally hallucinates, making it difficult to get a grip on the story, but gradually it unfolds in all its horror & tragedy. It made me cry. It‘s a tough but worthwhile read. #52BookClub23 #SetinDublin

LeeRHarry I don‘t have set in Dublin as one of my prompts …mmmm now I‘m confused…🤔 best check out which one I made up 😆 1y
CarolynM @LeeRHarry It‘s actually “set in the city of Dublin”, but I was running out of characters😆 Prompt no. 47 1y
LeeRHarry @CarolynM thanks fortunately I‘d taken a screenshot - also written them in my journal - completely missed #47! 🤦🏼‍♀️😆 1y
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Cathythoughts A helpful review 👍🏻 Thankyou. I have it stacked and I have a better sense now of what I‘m in for X. 1y
Cathythoughts I see your jumper is on , the weather must be chilling down a bit. 👍🏻♥️ 1y
TrishB Made me cry sealed it for me 🤷‍♀️ 1y
Librarybelle Wonderful review! 1y
CarolynM @Cathythoughts It‘s good, I think, hope you like it. The weather has been all over the place for the last few weeks - wet and cold (by our standards) one day, pleasant and sunny the next. Today was a cold one, but they‘re forecasting 20 degrees for the next 2 days 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
CarolynM @TrishB I think you‘d need a very hard heart to read this story without tears 1y
CarolynM @Librarybelle Thank you 🙏 1y
squirrelbrain Great review. I‘d forgotten that it would fit for this prompt - best go check my spreadsheet! 1y
TrishB I may have just brought it. 1y
jlhammar I‘ve got this towards the top of my stack. Can‘t wait! 1y
Tamra Heard lots of good things! 1y
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Good Eggs: A Novel | Rebecca Hardiman
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A joyful feel good story #FeaturingThreeGenerations #SetInDublin - Millie the matriarch, with a hankering for pilfering, Kevin her good natured son with a bit of a wandering eye and teenage Aideen, a moody teen who has a knack for landing in trouble. A sweet story about family and learning to love the lot you‘re given. Fun - easy to read.

Cinfhen Forgot @TheAromaofBooks this is my February #BookSpin 🥰 1y
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Librarybelle I‘ve had this on my radar! 1y
KarenUK This sounds lovely 💕 1y
Megabooks You and I agree!! 💯🙌🏻😁 1y
Cinfhen Woohoo @Megabooks I knew we‘d find our way back xxx 1y
Cinfhen It‘s sweet @KarenUK @Librarybelle nothing outstanding - lovely is a great adjective 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Hopefully a bit of a mental balance after reading Day!! 1y
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