And here is my savings for all the physical books that I took out from my local libraries ❤️ I saved $5,678.25 !!! 😲😲😲😲
That means if I combine the physical loans with the digital and audiobook loans, I had a whopping total savings of $11,199.43 after taxes.
THAT IS FREAKING CRAZY! I am so so blessed to have access to 4 wonderful libraries in my city. Yay!
#my2017 #2017ReadingStats #readingstats #Totalsavings #somuchmoneysaved ❤️💙❤️
haanim WOW! So wait, explain this to me. For every book you took out of the library, you noted how much that book would have costed you? 7y
Luv2readbookz Wow! That‘s awesome!😍 7y
Itchyfeetreader This is extraordinary 7y
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Well-ReadNeck I LOVE THIS!!! 👏🏽🙌🏻👊🏽 7y
AmyG Amazing. My financial advisor husband would love that you figured this out! He applauds you. 👏🏻 7y
Clwojick @haanim well... I should have. 🙈 But I didn't think that far ahead... so I just spent two afternoons online searching to sale price in Canada for each book/audiobook etc. Then I totalled them all and added Ontario taxes. NEXT year I am calculating them all as I go. Doing it all annually was crazy. Ahahaha❤️I want to add the monthly totals in my #bulletjournal for 2018. 7y
Clwojick @Luv2readbookz @Itchyfeetreader @Well-ReadNeck @AmyG thanks guys ❤️️💙 7y
Pamwurtzler Wow! That‘s some serious cash. I‘m impressed!! (Also I‘m really impressed that you didn‘t lose interest before you finished) 👏👏 7y
haanim @Clwojick that‘s really amazing. Our library system here isn‘t that great. They don‘t tend to get many latest releases, but it‘s fine for getting backlist books. I defs want to make use of my library more in 2018 and DEFS need to spend less money on books. You‘ve given me an idea ☺️ so thanks 😆✌🏽 7y
TricksyTails 🙌😆💰💰💰💰 7y
Notafraidofwords I save some serious money using the Library 90 percent of the time. 7y
Andrew65 Shows your tax dollars at work. 😂Fantastic savings. (edited) 7y
jmtrivera Amazing. 7y
Bookwormjillk 🙀 7y
drokka This is a good exercise. I should do this next year. It won't be nearly as much as you because I'm reading as many as I can from my own shelves, but using the library to fill the gaps where previous years I would buy them. 7y
Megara What a great idea to document this! 🙌 7y
Purrfectpages Wow! What a great idea! And what a great plug for local libraries! 7y
night_shift I'm going to have to figure this out for myself. I bet I saved a ton with my library card! 7y
Mdargusch Wow! 7y
Betty 💲💰💵💴💸💶 7y
KathyWheeler I love that you did this! I‘m going to do it on 2018 just for curiosity‘s sake. 7y
readinginthedark 😯😯😯 7y
alvingregorio You are a freaking rock star! 7y
Cortg I love that you calculated and shared this! I use the library 90% of the time. I‘m going to show my hubby this. He‘ll get a chuckle. 7y
Clwojick @freyaheart oops $11,000+ ❤️ 6y
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