Finally finished my 2017 Reading Stat Bullet Journal page and my January 2018 page. 💙
#2017stats #myreadingstats #my2017 #readingstats #bulletjournal #bujo #journalling #listmaker
Finally finished my 2017 Reading Stat Bullet Journal page and my January 2018 page. 💙
#2017stats #myreadingstats #my2017 #readingstats #bulletjournal #bujo #journalling #listmaker
Well 2017, it's been a slice! On to new and better things. ❤️ I have a feeling 2018 is going to be bloody brilliant. #my2017 #2017ReadingStats #myyearinbooks
And here is my savings for all the physical books that I took out from my local libraries ❤️ I saved $5,678.25 !!! 😲😲😲😲
That means if I combine the physical loans with the digital and audiobook loans, I had a whopping total savings of $11,199.43 after taxes.
THAT IS FREAKING CRAZY! I am so so blessed to have access to 4 wonderful libraries in my city. Yay!
#my2017 #2017ReadingStats #readingstats #Totalsavings #somuchmoneysaved ❤️💙❤️
It has been one heck of a year for my #ReadingStats ❤️ Late last week I started calculating the costs for how much money I've saved this year thanks to my library card.
Here is the total for any ebooks or audiobooks that I downloaded with Libby or Hoopla. After taxes I saved $5,521.18 😲😲😲😲
That is insane 😱❤️ #my2017 #2017ReadingStats #TotalSavings