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I read Neil deGrasse Tyson‘s favorite book. Sadly it wasn‘t my favorite, but it was mildly entertaining.
This is Book 1 for #BookSpinBonanza this month. Too bad it‘s the only one I got to, but thank you @TheAromaofBooks for making it fun!
This is one of my bookmarks from the bookmark swap a few months ago. I think it‘s from @OrangeMooseReads ? Did you make it?
My husband & I laughed every time I held it up to him. Lol!

OrangeMooseReads Yes I did 😊 4y
PaperbackPirate @OrangeMooseReads I love it so much! What a great skill! Thank you again! 💙 4y
TheAromaofBooks This is a book that has always been on my shelf, but has never been read! 4y
OrangeMooseReads @PaperbackPirate I‘m glad you love it 😊 Thank you 😊 4y
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Dark Witch | Nora Roberts
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Thanks for hosting #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks ! I need some extra motivation to get these books read for some reason, so thank you.
Here are my leftovers from last year‘s tbr, swap books from @Scochrane26 and @TorieStorieS 💙💙, and unread books on hand from The Great American Read list. Here we go...
🎲 🎲

Oryx You have some good reads ahead in that stack! 4y
TheAromaofBooks There are some fun reads there!! I'm going to draw the number here shortly, so I'll be sure to tag you!! 😁 4y
PaperbackPirate @Oryx Which one is your favorite? 4y
Oryx @PaperbackPirate hard to choose! Love handmaid's tale, Jurassic Park, the Martian, enders game, Different seasons... 4y
PaperbackPirate @Oryx Yay! Good to hear there are so many to look forward to! 4y
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And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie
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This is my first Agatha Christie book, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it! Quick read. Keeps you guessing. Very entertaining.
I'm so thankful to The Great American Read book list! I have read books that I wouldn't of thought to pick up because of it.
#TheGreatAmericanRead #GreatReadPBS #Readthe100

SW-T Agatha Christie is a wonderful crime writer. Witty and sharp. 5y
BibliOphelia I loved this book from my teen years on. And I still do, as a classic mystery, but in honor of Black History Month, did you know this book was originally titled Ten Little N*ggers, based on the children's rhyme of the same name? It was then polished into Ten Little Indians before reaching the title most people know it by. I mention it as I believe it's always important to realize how pervasive and toxic racism can be. (edited) 5y
Chelsea.Poole I just read this last summer and also loved it! My first Christie as well 😊 I watched the mini series after reading it and it's quite good! (edited) 5y
ItsAnotherJen @BibliOphelia No, I did not know that! Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. 5y
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Day 13 - #adventrecommends

I enjoyed the audio of War and Peace. Loved learning about Napoleon‘s invasion of Russia in 1812. I found the love stories centered around Natasha Rostov to be fascinating. Tolstoy‘s writing is very detailed but filled with interesting information. I would highly recommend this book to those who enjoy books about war and romance.

#thegreatamericanread #1001bookstoread #warandpeace #leotolstoy

Michellesibs I was thinking to read this, perhaps i will now! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm One day... 6y
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✴️ The Great American Read winner!! ✴️

#thegreatamericanread #pbs #rmpbs #harperlee

Samplergal ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Tonight is full knitting and watching #TheGreatAmericanRead! Outlander top 5. My #1 would be either pride and Prejudice or Harry Potter.

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The Top 10 is in!! Have you watched this series? If so what did you vote for? There are some awesome choices leading the vote. Grande Finale next Tuesday the 24th ❤️

#thegreatamericanread #greatreadpbs #pbs #vote

Butterfinger Voted for Little Women. 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @Butterfinger niiiiiice. I'm all in for LOTR. 6y
VioletBramble I voted for To Kill a Mockingbird and The Book Thief 6y
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Whimsical.Curiosity @VioletBramble Ooh To Kill a Mockingbird is a solid choice. I love Scout. 6y
Daisey I‘m all in for LotR as well! 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @Daisey 🙏🙏🙏 high fives!! 6y
jb72 I named my dog Scout after TKAM. Some of those are terrific books. 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @jb72 that's awesome! 🐶 6y
Cedricsmom The series is great but I don't have a single favorite on the list so far. 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @Cedricsmom oh no! What would be on the list if you picked? 6y
Cedricsmom Wuthering Heights, Secret History, On Beauty, Wide Sargasso Sea. 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @Cedricsmom ooh I've only ever heard of Wuthering Heights. 6y
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The Stand | Stephen King
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I finally got around to reading this one. I liked it much better than The Gunslinger, the only other King book I've read. Great characters! #thegreatamericanread #greatamericanread

TheNeverendingTBR The Stand is my favourite book. But you should continue with The Dark Tower series, The Gunslinger is the first book; but the story of Roland making his way to the Tower begins in the second book The Drawing of the Three and it gets WAY better!! 6y
staci.reads @trioxin_sematary I've had a few people tell me that the series is worth continuing. I didn't dislike the first one...I just wasn't sure how I felt about it. I do plan on reading more of them eventually. 6y
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1984, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Atlas Shrugged, Dune... Just to name a few. Seems like a great #tbr list.

#pbs #rmpbs #ilovepbs #thegreatamericanread #readthe100

JaclynW Definitely! I've already added a few. 😊 6y
jb72 I‘ve read 14....looks like some great books on the list. 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @JaclynW me too! I'm a sucker for a list 🤣 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @jb72 niiiiiice job! 6y
JaclynW @Whimsical.Curiosity Me too! 6y
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White Teeth | Zadie Smith
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Starting my next #makemereaditbook. Looking forward to see why this book has merited to be on #thegreatamericanread list and the #1001bookstoread list!

#whiteteeth #zadiesmith

Weaponxgirl I hope you like, I loved this book 😊 6y
Andrew65 You are certainly ploughing through the GAR list! 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 I have one more, Watchers by Dean Koontz, after White Teeth and then I will have read 75 of the 100 books! 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Phenomenal! 🙌 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks! Don‘t think I‘ll read anymore of them as the rest are ones I am not really interested in reading! 6y
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