I think this book is susposed to be a #wakeupcall to teens about social media. #tuneinnovember.
I think this book is susposed to be a #wakeupcall to teens about social media. #tuneinnovember.
I started this one a couple years ago and was loving it, but it was so hard to keep reading as whenever I would read it, it essentially told me to put the book down and go to bed 😂. However, it's perfect for #WakeUpCall for #TuneintoNovember as it really hits home how important good sleep is for a fully functioning, healthy body. (And that's also the name of part one!)
@Cinfhen @Robothugs
#tuneintonovember #wakeupcall
Playing catch up here but this seemed like it fits. Literally and figuratively! When a monster wakes you up, it‘s time to sit up and pay attention.
Also this book is amazing. Break your heart and put it back together good 😍
The rental of Kellynch Hall by Admiral & Mrs. Croft led to a #wakeupcall for Anne & Frederick about their feelings for each other. I usually use whatever scrap of paper is close at hand as #bookmarks, but I do have a few nice ones, including Anne, Frederick, and a gift from my #wintersolsticesecretsanta last year. 😊
When I listened to the song #wakeupcall for today‘s prompt, it immediately brought this book to mind, and I‘m not really sure why. I guess the situations of the three friends made it seem like they needed a wake up call, each in different ways, and the events of the latter half certainly gave them one. Picture from a kayaking trip last summer. #tuneintonovember @Cinfhen @Robothugs
My #wakeupcall every morning is one of my two kids, one from her crib or the other sneaking into our bed. We got this book when my son refused to stay in his bed. The Dad teachers her a method to get her to fall asleep. A good one for bad sleepers. #diversebooks #tuneintonovember
When Marianne's suicide attempt fails, she decides to drastically change her life, and the following journey to and arrival in a little town on the coast leads to her discovery of purpose and happiness. #WakeUpCall #TuneIntoNovember
One of these twins needed a serious #WakeUpCall #TuneIntoNovember
#TuneIntoNovember #WakeUpCall ⏰ I set an early wake up call on my iPhone this Saturday of #litsypartyofone weekend in order to run my errands & make it to Whole Foods before the masses. Instead I hit snooze & slept in a bit.😴😆I did make it to WF & they had the most gorgeous Buddha's hands in the produce department so I had to take a pic & it made me think of this audiobook in my #TBR stack that's a bit of a wake up call for finding joy in life💛
I think I needed a #wakeupcall today at goodwill😅 but it was half off day and I found some good ones!
Some are for my mom though!
Stack On the left is all Agatha Christie books.
This is my buying limit for the month 😂