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Good. Takes an in-depth look at not just the final days and death of Marilyn Monroe but her whole life. Even though I enjoyed this there were some chapters that I skipped due to information that I felt just dragged the story down and wasn't relevant. Also sometimes during chapters that I did read some parts felt like it was also going off on tangents.


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Book of Doors | Gareth Brown
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Thank you #WilliamMorrow and #NetGalley for providing this #ARC Advance Reading Copy. Expected publication date is February 13, 2024.

• fantasy • mystery • dark • books-about-books • fantasy • magical-realism • romance • time-travel • 3.5 Stars

Cassie Andrews is a bookseller in NYC who is given a mysterious book by a favorite customer. The book is called “The Book of Doors” and it is full of strange writing and mysterious drawings. ⬇️

suvata At the very front of the book, there is a handwritten message to Cassie, telling her that any door is every door. Cassie soon discovers that the book is magical and bestows extraordinary powers on whoever possesses it. She and her best friend Izzy investigate all that the book can do, traveling to anywhere they want. But soon realize that the book can do both wondrous and dreadful things.

#Bookstagram #TheBookOfDoors #GarethBrown
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This is quite good. A young half American is growing up in Shanghai with her white mother and struggles to find her place. A Chinese man struggles to find something more to his life.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Pub date is 1/9/2024
#ARC #Goodreads #WilliamMorrow

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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Published 3/2/21 #TheRestorationofCeliaFairchild by #MarieBostwick is a perfect blend of setting, characters and story...check out my review. #Delightful #netgalley #bluestockingreviews #findgreatreads
#readitloveit #customhouse #williammorrow

Mother May I: A Novel | Joshilyn Jackson
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What would you do to protect your child?
This was a very engaging read making me find chores around the house so I could keep listening. Put this on your tbr for April.
Thanks #netgalley and #williammorrow for the advance audio copy.

A Solitude of Wolverines | Alice Henderson
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A slower book than I hoped for. It seemed like the last 1/4 of the book had all the action. Keeping it short and sweet with this: ok-good but not great. 🤷‍♀️ 🌟🌟🌟 #netgalley #williammorrow

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This is a really fun mystery/thriller. There's a lot going on. People are disappearing from the neighborhood. Sydney is struggling to keep her mom's house. Crazy things keep happening. It also has just a hint of slapstick to it. Overall a very enjoyable, entertaining read.

#BookSpinBingo square 14

Pub date on this is 9/1/2020.
#ARC from #WilliamMorrow via #Goodreads

TheAromaofBooks Looks like a fun one!! 4y
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What She Knew: A Novel | Gilly Macmillan
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #whatsheknew #gillymacmillan #williammorrow #booklove #bookbeast
What are you reading? 😊

bookaholic1 Good book 4y
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Thanks to #netgalley, and #HarperCollins and #WilliamMorrow for the opportunity to read and review this lovely story #TheForgottenLettersofEstherDurrant
This story is set in two eras, It's 1951 and Esther is suffering from depression and her husband takes her to an isolated island and leaves her (against her will) under the care of a psychiatrist who runs a clinic for shell shocked soldiers.
Fast forward to 2018 and we find ⬇️

Crazeedi Rachel, a research scientist leaving the south Pacific for a new position on the isolated islands off the coast of England. She never stays in one place for long, she isn't the type to open her heart to anyone. She's happy recording observations of sea life.
The 2 stories subtly intertwine when Rachel finds letters that were never sent. I enjoyed this book and definitely recommend.
Suet624 Ohhh, sounds interesting. 4y
Nute Sounds really good! 4y
Cinfhen Hi!!! Just thinking about you!! Hope you‘re feeling better 4y
Crazeedi @Cinfhen I'm doing better, miss everyone, been trying to get back in swing of things! Thanks for you kind thoughts 💚💙💛❤ 4y
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The Ancestor | Danielle Trussoni
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Thank you #HarperCollinsPublisher, #WilliamMorrow and #netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book #TheAncestor by Danielle Trussoni. Publication 4/7/2020
Get ready to go on an adventure to the Alps of northern Italy, where Bert Monte goes to discover her heritage.
Berte is living in Milton and struggling with depression after her latest miscarriage. Her marriage is also crumbling, ⬇️

Crazeedi when she receives a letter from a lawyer in Torino, Italy telling her she is the heir to the Montebianco title and fortune.
She travels to Torino and is flown to the castle high in the cold cold Alps. The story is filled with strange creatures and fantastical stories. I recommend to anyone who enjoys out of the ordinary tales
Lynnsoprano Since the only time we were in Italy we flew into Turin and we could see the alps from our hotel, I‘m drawn to this. 4y
Crazeedi @Lynnsoprano it's a good book, but posits a fantastical premise 4y
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