This book was so good and life changing. A great starter for anyone interested in Food choice and Sustainability.
This book was so good and life changing. A great starter for anyone interested in Food choice and Sustainability.
This book was beautiful, intelligent, moving and life changing. This is the story of love that is rarely told, after the first kiss, after the proposal, afterthe wedding. I firmly believe reading this with an open mind and open heart could save a marriage. I will reread this over and over again.
I am looking for more books like this that explore love and marriage after the "honeymoon" is over. Any suggestions?
4 out of 5. There is a lot to learn from this book. I'm not big on all the "woo-woo", new age stuff but it's good to read about people that believe in things you don't. Such a good book. There were a few times I felt like the author lost Juliet's voice for a very short time but then it would come back with a bang. Love it.
I thought this was funny considering the past few months.
My concentration is crap due to my obsessive need to check the news every 5 minutes to make sure the world isn't ending. This book has been a nice and interesting distraction. It's taking me forever to get through because of my anxiety over the current political climate but it is really good. #checkyourprivilege
This was soooooo good. A nice way to learn some history. My favorite was the spread about Jane Addams who is considered the mother of Social Work (I am a social Worker). My next favorite was the story about the first woman who ran for president (which was not Hillary Clinton BYW).
https://youtu.be/csLiYr5OGbg Watch this video. DO NOT SEE THE MOVIE!!!!!! You will have to watch an add before the video starts but this video MUST be seen.
This book is wonderful. It is heartbreaking and hopeful all at the same time. I cried because I was angry, sad, devastated, impressed, in awe, in love and because of the bravery of the author and Amanda.
This is on my list for #diversathon. What are you reading for #diversathon? I want a big ol' stack to read.
Love it! I am excited to see where this is headed.
I loved this so very much. One of my faves along with Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. I bought it for my Kindle but will be buying a physical copy of it as well.
Finally got around to reading this. I was super unhappy with what I thought was the ending. This happened thanks to the fact that I read it on the Kindle app and after chapter 46 the Goodreads review "page" popped up. Thankfully I noticed the section afterward titled "Historical Notes". What a brilliant way to wrap up the story and give us a hint of what happened to Ofred. This changed my whole view of the book!!!!
Loved this! Love Lockjaw so much.
This was a good story arc. Moving on to the next one.
I am an Atheist but a friend of mine recommended this book and I always want to read stuff that has different view points than mine. I love C.S. Lewis's writing even if it's not convincing me that there is a God.
Really enjoyed this. I'm moving on to book two now. Can't wait to see where this is headed. I can't believe it has taken me all these years to give comics a chance.
I read this as part of my reading Challenge. Ugh. I'm sooooooo glad it was only 145 pages long.
This!!!!!!! This is amazing. Love this so much. Stop everything and read it NOW!!!!!!!
The pacing was off for me toward the end. I got restless and bored. There was a pretty big twist that should have left me with my mouth hanging open but it was lost in the lackluster slogging pace of the book. For a book where the fast cars are as much of a character as the people the pace was as sloooooooowwwwww and clunky as a 7 foot man trying to ride a kid's tricycle. I want to see this turned in to a well written and well directed movie.
About 70 pages left of this and so far it's pretty dang good. This isn't your typical hyper sexed, sparkly, romantic, swoony vampire story although there is drooling but it's not what you think LOL.
Loved this so much. My first comic. Snarky as ever and I love it.
I am so excited about my 2017 Reading Challenge the I want to start today. Is that cheating? Does it really matter? It my own challenge so it's. OT like I am competing with other people.
Preparation for 2017. I've never done a reading Challenge so I am pumped!!!!!!
I am a Graphic Novel Virgin and am committing reading at least 4 this year. I want something diverse, political, liberal, feminist.... something that gets me thinking. Help me!!!!!
This is the start of my '17 Book Challenge. I want as many of them to be by diverse authors and about diverse characters. Here is what I have so far:
Read 12 banned books
Read 4 essay collections
Read 4 nonfiction books relevant to today's cultural and political climate
Read 12 of your oldest book in my TBR pile
Read one science book. Read 4 short story collections. Other suggestions?
This book was pretty good. I don't regret reading it but I didn't love it either. It was atmospheric and a good story but I wish the characters had been fleshed out more in the end. Especially the main character and her daughter. This had the potential to be amazing and heart wrenching but it fell a bit short for me. Kelly Luce is a good writer and I look forward to her next work.
Great book, a total page turner. Lots of twists and turns.
This was my first Dean Koontz and I am not impressed at all. The book was 680 pages and could have easily been written in 300. The characters were awesome and the plot was ok. The pacing was irritating as fu@k.
I enjoyed this book immensely. A Ferryman is one who tries to convince those who have died to move on to the afterlife. The main character is given a strange assignment that leads to mystery and mayhem. Such a great read. It has fun, thrills, and heart.
Can take it any more. 100 pages in and nothing is happening but a bunch of 'splaining by the author.
I ran across a review about this book and it reminded me of the impact this book had on me. It was one of those life changing books. I was sheltered and uneducated at the time I read it and it sent me on a journey to learn about inequality and injustice. I read it many years ago (or so it seems) but it has stuck with me for years. It even pushed me to get my Masters Degree in Social Work. Such a great eye opening yet heart wrenching book.
And more of it. Gee I wonder why some people feel that way. There are people who are terrified of being shot and killed due to the color of their skin. Get off your soap box and get on with the story.
72 pages in and so far this seems to be a rant about how the public does not revere cops like they should. I'm getting irritated. It has nothing to do with the plot either (at this point). It's things like this and it has occurred multiple times and feels constant. It gets in the way of the story. Plus there's no opposing view point about it either suggesting that the author needs to find another place to rant about their political leanings.
This was ok. The character is unreliable and not very likable which is actually what made me like the book. I wasn't expecting the twists and turns the plot took but I am also not one that works to try and stay one step ahead of the plot either. I just enjoy the plots of the books I read and just let them wash over me. I don't regret reading it but it's not a favorite.
I loved this book so much. Faller by Will McIntosh was much like it and I loved that book too. I need book recommendations similar to Dark Matter. This is life or death LOL.
Next up. I am really excited about this book. I hope it's as good as it sounds.
Not great, not horrible. Not the best world building I have come across.
This was witty as hell. Loved it. A fun take on alien invasions and a great look at the state of our country all done in a fun loving way.
Halfway through this and LOVE it!!!!!! It's smart and brilliant. A comic take on alien invasions and the state of America. Love this so much.
I rarely bail on books simply because I spend too much money on them to not finish them but I just could t push through on this one. I read about 20%.
Great book. Kick ass main character. Love the fact that the main character wasn't Caucasian or male and was strong and took control of her life. I don't condone some of the things she did but I still loved the character and the book.
I just scored a signed copy of this at my local B & N. I am over the moon! I also got signed copies of Faithful, The Absolute True Diary of a Part Time Indian, and Underground Railroad!!!!!!
Just scored a signed copy of this at my local B & N. I am so excited. I love this book so much.
This was an AMAZING book. I can't put into words how much I loved it. I hope it is the beginning of a series. If you haven't read it then STOP everything right now and go read this book.
This book was good, not fabulous. I am glad I read it but it's not one of my faves. Others may love it so give it a try if you like the plot summary.