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The Mimicking of Known Successes
The Mimicking of Known Successes | Malka Older
18 posts | 20 read | 12 to read
Every once in a while, a book comes along that is both a comfort read and a rousing, fist-pumping adventure, and The Mimicking of Known Successes absolutely is both of those things. An utter triumph.Charlie Jane Anders The Mimicking of Known Successes presents a cozy Holmesian murder mystery and sapphic romance, set on Jupiter, by Malka Older, author of the critically-acclaimed Centenal Cycle. On a remote, gas-wreathed outpost of a human colony on Jupiter, a man goes missing. The enigmatic Investigator Mossa follows his trail to Valdegeld, home to the colonys erudite universityand Mossas former girlfriend, a scholar of Earths pre-collapse ecosystems. Pleiti has dedicated her research and her career to aiding the larger effort towards a possible return to Earth. When Mossa unexpectedly arrives and requests Pleitis assistance in her latest investigation, the two of them embark on a twisting path in which the future of life on Earth is at stakeand, perhaps, their futures, together. The Centenal Cycle by Malka Older Infomocracy Null States State Tectonics
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An interesting sapphic/queer dystopian science fiction gender swapped Sherlock Holmes and Watson retelling, set on Jupiter.

Mossa‘s investigation starts after a man disappears from one of the less often visited platforms they live on. Potential suicide? Or is there something more going on?

Read this book after doing a quiz by @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian !


CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian I'm so glad you liked the book! 😊 3mo
Kitta @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian it was right up my alley! Thanks for the recommendation. 3mo
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#bookreport A good week! Finished The Phoenix Crown on audio, which I quite enjoyed. Finished The Mimicking of Known Successes a few hours before the Nebula finalists were announced, handy as it's on the list!
So now I'm in Nebula reading mode for the next few weeks. So far I've finished the short stories and 2 novelettes. #weeklyforecast hope to finish the novelettes (4 left) and ideally the novellas (3 left) but we'll see.

TheSpineView Great job! 4mo
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My other new art acquisition! 🤩🪼

This was a fun short scifi mystery that takes place on Jupiter, which future humans have colonized after ruining Earth. It‘s a Sherlock style murder investigation, except the main characters are women, and the body is missing. I believe book 2 was just published, and I will probably pick it up.

Crazeedi Got your note, I'll write soon! 5mo
TheBookHippie Love the jellyfish!!! 5mo
Bklover Love your new art! (The cow too) 5mo
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UwannaPublishme Cool! 🪼 5mo
CBee Love the new art ♥️ Thanks also for the sweet card! 5mo
Bookwomble Love the painting 💜🪼💜 5mo
Eyelit Love that art! Where did you get it? 5mo
Soubhiville @Eyelit my friends who are moving to Puerto Rico let me choose a couple paintings from their collection. He is an artist and every show he did over the last 15 years or so, he would come home with a piece of someone else‘s art. 🙂 5mo
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I am so happy this has turned into a series. Can't wait to read more! Sci fi cozy mystery vibes: Watson-like character POV narrating Sherlock-type detective/investigator with gender swap sapphic second chance romance twist, and happily it's not the fawning, clueless Watson character that my experience of the original Holmes stories I've read recalls. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 I love the world-building, the long term goal, the specific furturistic type of academia this book introduces. Not quite dystopia, kind of steam punk (more than wild west), with railroads, on/surrounding Jupiter. What more could you want!?🤌🏻 6mo
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Space burrito? 🤔 🌯🌌

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This felt like Sherlock Holmes with a queer sci-fi twist. Set in the future, when humans have colonized Jupiter after Earth is no longer habitable by living on ringed platforms that circle the planet. Mossa investigates a disappearance & calls on her old flame for help since the missing man is a fellow scholar at the university. Older does 'show, don't tell' very well and the setting is so immersive (& cozy) despite little explanations off the bat

peanutnine Book 2 comes out next month and I'm excited for more in this world #SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView #BookChain 'the' in title #ISpy circle @TheAromaofBooks #LGBTQ2024 white lettering @Kenyazero 6mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 6mo
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This was a perfect way to dig myself out of the post Christmas slump. A unique Sci-Fi setting with a cozy atmosphere, a solidly executed mystery plot, a little touch of romance, light but not insubstantial. I love a short novel or novella and this book was exactly long enough for it's story.
My one critique is that the initial descriptions were a little light for me. It took me a couple of chapters before I could picture the world. Strong pick.

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This cozy sci-fi mystery reunites two former flames, a detective and a scholar at Jupiter's elite university, when a man dissapears from an isolated platform. Older throws you straight into the worldbuilding, which is jarring at first but soon becomes par for the course.

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A little mid-afternoon reading that turned into an impromptu nap because chasing after my 20 month old nephew as is exhausting as it is delightful 😅

Gissy And you have a buddy there giving you support🐶💚❤️💚 7mo
rachelsbrittain @Gissy she realized I had gotten in bed and joined me so quick 😂😍 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🐾❤️🐶 6mo
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My sister knocked it out of the park with this Jolabokaflod exchange! One that's on my TBR but I didn't realize was a novella and one I'd never heard of. #jolabokaflod @sebrittainclark

LeslieO My sister and I also do #Jolabokaflod🙂🩷 7mo
rachelsbrittain @LeslieO I love that! My sister did it for the first time last year and it's definitely a keeper of a tradition 😊 7mo
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This was a low pick for me. It‘s a sci-fi Sherlockian novella. I read it at the beginning of November for #swordandlaserpodcast

It was a quick read and the mystery was interesting. I‘m just not always a fan of sci-fi or novellas.

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I listened to this novella ( it‘s 4 hours) on Libby. It‘s a so/so sci-fi detective f/f romance story. It takes place on a gas giant that‘s been colonized by Earth‘s survivors. The action occurs on platforms built on rings circling above the planet a free train service takes our detective and her ex on their mission to find a missing scholar. An interesting world but not so interesting dialogue and mystery. It‘s okay.

CSeydel Oh I loved this one too! 1y
Dragon Thanks @CSeydel 👍💚🐉 1y
CSeydel Lol - this was not the post I meant to comment on! I‘m sorry! 1y
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Dragon No worries @CSeydel 💚🐉 1y
CSeydel But I enjoyed reading your review of it 😁 1y
Dragon Thanks 🙏 @CSeydel 💚🐉 1y
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A Sherlock Holmes style mystery, but set in space and sapphic.

This was a freaking delight to listen to. The world building of humans on Jupiter was just tantalizing enough to make me want an entire novel about it, without any of it getting info dumped. The mystery itself was fascinating and kept me guessing until the end. And Pleiti gets her Watson moment where she‘s able to put a crucial piece of information together. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

Larkken I‘m excited for this novella! 1y
BookmarkTavern @Larkken If you like audiobooks, I can‘t recommend this one highly enough! The narrator was perfect! 1y
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I really liked Malka Older's Infomocracy series so I had high hopes for this new book. I loved the idea of a cozy mystery on Jupiter but the execution was so-so. The sci-fi elements were definitely better than the mystery ones.

#AwesomeApril @Andrew65
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#192025 #2023 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle That sounds like a very unique premise…it‘s a shame that it was just so-so! 1y
Andrew65 Love the cover and just disappointing it wasn‘t better. Well done 👏👏👏 1y
kwmg40 @Librarybelle I've not given up on the series yet! There was enough that I did like about the book that I'm willing to continue. 1y
kwmg40 @Andrew65 Yes, that is indeed a gorgeous cover, and it evokes the Jupiter environment which Older describes welll. 1y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
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Flew through this novella set in an far flung future where humanity has ruined Earth & lives on a gas Giant. We follow a professor & an investigator trying to solve a mystery…yet despite that it felt very cozy.

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A couple chapters in and I love this so far! It's simultaneously quaint and cozy yet futuristic and strange. It's a mix of mystery, romance, and science fiction. #QueerBooks

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