I need to buy this book in physical form because it has some great quotes and was fun to read. I still highly recommend listening to the audio however as the narration is on point 👌
I need to buy this book in physical form because it has some great quotes and was fun to read. I still highly recommend listening to the audio however as the narration is on point 👌
I really wanted this to be good but alas, I was disappointed 😫 The Korean mythology components were fantastic, the instalove and plot was not so much 😕
Check out my full review at http://readerswonderland.com
This is my all time favourite #beautyandthebeast #retelling and not enough people have read it!! They're missing out on such a gorgeous and interesting tale
Are any of your favourite books #underratedbooks?
Maria V Snyder is one of my favourite authors but so terribly underrated
She wept because did not know what she wanted, and because she wanted everything
I can't believe it took me so long to read Sabriel!! Now I'm desperate for more #oldkingdom books.
I'm counting down the days until I'm finally free to binge read #ACOWAR, especially after my coblogger enjoyed it so much http://readerswonderland.com
So many books to read, but no time because I have a ridiculous amount of content to study and barely even enough time for that 😰
I've read a lot of disappointing books recently 🙁 Stealing Snow was the first one that triggered the trend. My review for it is now on the blog http://readerswonderland.com
I want to spend more time reading and blogging but noooo uni has to take over my life again 😭
I thought I was going to have a lot of issues with this book, but fortunately it was a pleasant surprise! I really enjoyed this #loveozya read
You can find my full review on Readers in Wonderland: http://readerswonderland.com
We have to traipse into the fields today to care for a horse and of course it's raining heavily 😭😭😭
Dream up something wild and improbable, something beautiful and full of monsters
I was only introduced to the LOTR universe back in 2012 or 2013 when my friend forced me to binge watch all three extended editions of the movies! It was a long 12 hours, but a fantastic 12 hours!! 😅 I need to watch the movie again sometime (and actually get around to reading the book)
A new review is up on the blog! For a book I actually read a few months ago. I can‘t believe I got ahead in reviews (it won‘t last long)
The Pirate‘s Wish is the second book in a fantasy duopoly that contains assassin‘s, pirates, magic, and mystical creatures! I had some issues with it but overall it was quite a fun read 😁
Check out my review on the blog: http://readerswonderland.com/5-things-pirates-wish-cassandra-rose-clark/
Finished perusing at bookfest only to watch my train leave the station without me. Now I have an hour wait for the next train + a 40min train ride 😭😭😭😭 and I was hoping to take more book photos this afternoon
There are a lot of classic children's series I didn't read when I was the target audience age. #percyjackson and Harry Potter were two series I read when I was over 18 😅
I don't believe in miracles, but if the need is great, a girl might make her own miracle
This book is so gorgeous 😍 I cannot wait to jump into it eventually. Fairy tale retellings are some of my favourite things to read, especially Beauty and the Beast retellings. Hopefully the inside is as gorgeous as the outside!
It is an occupational hazard that anyone who has spent her life learning how to lie eventually becomes bad at telling the truth
My words are unerring tools of destruction, and I‘ve come unequipped with the ability to disarm them
Patience and Silence had one beautiful daughter. And her name was Vengeance
Psssst don't forget I have a giveaway running on my blog: http://readerswonderland.com/becs-top-5-reads-2017-far/
#gemina #illuminae #amiekaufman #jaykristoff #theilluminaefiles #illuminaefiles #scifi
Halfway through 2017 and I‘m sharing some of my favourite reads of the year so far (only one of which is actually a 2017 release). What‘s even more exciting is the fact that the post contains a follower giveaway! (INT)
Check it out: http://readerswonderland.com/becs-top-5-reads-2017-far/
What are your favourite reads of the year so far?
#bookblog #bookblogger #bookgiveaway
Sometimes our best action result in things that are most regrettable
I forgot how many feels this series gave me until I saw June and Day's names again 😭😭😭😭😭
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.
Oh look, another book I haven't read yet, but one my sister is currently making her way through it for her English course. It's another "classic" novel I want to get around to reading one day... one day...
I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right 💀📚
I LOVED The Final Empire so much. And yet I still haven't gotten around to reading the sequels 😅
Do not be deceived by the the politeness of the fey. Fey are almost always polite. This does not mean they will not happily remove your head
#theironfey #theironknight #juliekagawa #ya #yalit #fantasy
Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don't feel anything at all.
Counting down the days until I can binge reread ACOTAR and ACOMAF, then finally get to ACOWAR
#sjm #sarahjmaas #acotar #acourtofthornsandroses #fantasy
Hoping... is how the impossible can be possible after all
Even though I had an idea how Heartless would end (it is a take on the Queen of Hearts origin story after all) the story still hurt my feels 😭😭
#heartless #marissameyer #fantasy #retelling #ya #youngadult
Your sense of judgement could use a dash of common sense
#angelfall #penrynandtheendofdays #susanee
My first DNF of the year 😭😭 I wanted to enjoy this because historical is one of my favourite genres but I just couldn't. I was so bored. For my full reasons for DNFing check out my review on Readers in Wonderland http://readerswonderland.com
How awkward it is that my first post here is a negative review 🙈