Miss Ahern has this way to make you ugly cry because it's beautiful. This "gift" will make you want to hug your children, your spouse, maybe even your pet. It'll make you grateful for what you have and reconsider what you've neglected.
Miss Ahern has this way to make you ugly cry because it's beautiful. This "gift" will make you want to hug your children, your spouse, maybe even your pet. It'll make you grateful for what you have and reconsider what you've neglected.
The 2nd Woodcutter sister. I like the strong female roles this author creates within this series. These girls are out there making their fairy tales.
Sigh...why? Was there some deep underlying message I was supposed to pick up about THAT decision? Or did you just want to bottle up all the tears you brought upon the masses? Ugh...
This was a laugh out loud novel. Oh goodness! If you want a sassy girl read, pluck this one up immediately.
I like reading strange things. I just couldn't muster the patience to read through the character's OCD mind.
It's horrifying yet Cas and Anna's relationship is sort of cute. (If you can pass the still dripping bloody dress amongst other things.)
I adore the quirkiness of this trilogy. I admit the photos are fantastic but I don't like to stare at them for too long, just a passing glance. (admittedly the same reason I abandoned Asylum) I love the different abilities and how they travel through the times.
I'm so glad I had to read this for a course. You don't grasp the importance of this novel until you are ready to. You shouldn't force yourself until then either. This story is a horrifying reflection of an inner ego. Bravo Wilde.
One day I'm going to move back to AZ and lock myself in with my sister's Lemony Snicket collection. Just binge out on this series.
Alaska. So eccentric and intelligent. Why does she have to disappear?? I wasn't done with her.
I like second books as a way to learn more about the history of the world the author has created. Sometimes you don't get enough of that before the action breaks in again.
Read this awhile ago for a college class. This needs to be read in school at least once for every teen. The illustrations add the extra pizzazz and the humour balances the gritty parts of the story.
If you adore romantic handwritten letters, lost lovers, finally finding those lost lovers and after so many years making eye contact with them again. You might want to give this a read. This story brought one tear.
High on my favourites tower. Great cast, great story. Miss Oliver knows how to weave a tale well.
Raven and Tack. Can we just have a moment and celebrate these two side characters? I think I cried harder over knowing them than the main characters in the book. 💔
Loved it, might have to revisit it. I hate love triangles and the one in this series gnawed at me cause both guys were perfect. Yet sometimes books are so well written that you make an exception and this series is one of them.
Silly and left me wanting more but I'm happy with where it's at. There's an angel sent to earth, the kicker is he's stuck thinking its 1956.
Sometimes you need an easy read where you can anticipate the next move. A book that'll help you get over a book slump. For me, I turn to a Sparks novel. There's a little romance, a little tension, but in the end you can most likely expect happily ever after.
I loved this horror novel. It pulled me right into that motel, I can't remember if it scared the bejeebus out of me but I finished it. No, I did not see that ending coming. Yes, you should read it if you haven't.
I was consumed with this book, until the end. Then I was just mad and disappointed. I wanted to throw the book at the wall because it was not the ended I was wanting. So go ahead, fall in love with it and then watch it stomp on your heart.
I admit I had to skim through this book because I wanted to read it but it also dragged for me. It's gruesome and horrifying. It leads you to ask the question, "how will you react if you were in their shoes?"
This book was horrifyingly good. Miss Anderson knows how to scare you with reality.
I read it in middle school and the only thing that stuck with me was the red apple and red hair. I've read it again in recent years and I still don't remember much of it. I think there's a scene about rescuing a baby. :(
Alcohol, trains, lies, scandals. Also, not as much sex as the film trailer leads you to believe. Cause ya know, Hollywood. *shrugs*
At the end of the book you get the "oh...." moment when you realise everyone is connected.
It's gritty, it's gripping. They have their own language. They're all boys, until...PLOT TWIST (there's a lot of those).
The first time I read this I was in denial. When I read it the second time I accepted it. I would and did fall head over heels for this series. Rose being so stubborn but so kick butt. Dimitri being so stoic yet having that soft spot for Rose. Ugh heartstrings!
Her stories come to life, how cute is that! Plus that dapper frog!
I love Sarah Jio's novels, this one tugged on my heartstrings because of the little kid involvement. Jio has a thing for having the past parallel the present & she does it very well. Tissues for this one.
I loved this series and I think the side stories gave it more depth.
A little disappointed that I couldn't stick with it.
A short & laugh-out-loud inducing read.
Kick butt female lead, cute and charming Wesley, the crazy link to the afterworld. I adore this series! I need more Wesley!
This story ripped my heart out, especially since my husband's late grandfather suffered through Alzheimer's before he passed away.
I loved this book, I didn't want it to end. Especially when I found out how long it take Tartt to release a book.
Sometimes a peek into a different reality could be a "hmm..." moment. Is it really twisted when our own world is so cruel?
I couldn't get into this book. It made me too upset to enjoy the hype it had around it.
This book was marvelous, I just wish the ending was different. It felt dragged out when it should've ended a few chapters before.
There are some books that should've stopped at the first book. I understand the need for closure but sometimes it's nicer to just envision your own happy ending. For this book, I hated that they were separated and that it took them so long to reconcile.
I wished this prequel would've just continued on instead of leading to The Maze Runner.
My coworkers thought I was crazy when I said that certain parts of this book made me LOL. I thought it was silly that some of them didn't finish cause the book scared them. Either way, this is a masterpiece.
I loved this novel. The quirky banter of Augustus & Hazel, the magical time they had together.
I was surprised I finished it. I thought it was a strange novel, never did grasp the concept. The ending threw me for the worst loop. Not one I would recommend.
I loved this book many summers ago. The characters are easy to fall for and the story just makes you want an epic road trip. You have to find The Civil Wars song mentioned in the novel because that's what completed the package for me.
A quick & easy read. Great for kids who have an interest in Greek mythology. It's what I started my (at the time) 5th grade brother on.