He fought the men and he slayed the monsters and he bested the gods, and at last the hero, having conquered all, earned the thing that he wanted most.
To go home.
He fought the men and he slayed the monsters and he bested the gods, and at last the hero, having conquered all, earned the thing that he wanted most.
To go home.
Read for #AuthorAMonth
I enjoy Schwab‘s writing style, and her gothic flair, in this YA fantasy. I liked that the world wasn‘t fluffy, and the twists of the mystery. Even the love-triangle, which is usually a never for me, wasn‘t much of a focus and quickly resolved.
Plus, there‘s ghosts and gloom and good spooky vibes for #scarathlon!
Pic is fan art from Schwab‘s blog.
I really enjoyed the world building in this book. When people die, they become an archived collection of memories called Histories. Sometimes they wake up, and people like Mac need to find them and return them to the Archive. This was a fun read. My only complaint is that it falls prey to the trope that a boy and girl MUST kiss or fall in love if in close proximity. No friends, no asexual or aromantic people. I hated that when I was a teen too.
#114 of my year. This one is by one of my top favorite female writers, Victoria Schwab. I‘m listening to Johnny Cash on vinyl today🖤 I am SO ready for a relaxing weekend!
#TBRPile Day 32 📚 I really enjoyed Vicious and see a lot of love for VE Schwab on Litsy so I‘ve got quite a few of her books waiting to be read
⤏ #1 of 2
⤏ YA (heavy on the Y)
This has one of the most unique concepts that I've found in YA fantasy, a library or Archive, for the dead, with Keepers that keep them in. Although, in my head, I thought they were leading them to the Archive after their death.
Wow!!!!! What a wild ride of a read. I loved this book it was fun, loved the characters, loved the crazy story and even had me at the edge of my seat with all the mystery elements and fighting. When I first started the book I was a little confused but once I got into it, it all made sense and i could not put it down. A++++
Such exciting news! Can‘t wait to watch it. Kind of wish it was going to be on Hulu or Netflix.
This duology is on my tbr! May need to move it up.
#booktoseries #booknews
#adventrecommends Day 6
I think this is a lesser known book of Schwab's. I really liked this series. Very unique.
I think this is a super interesting concept about the dead and the keepers of the past, but it was hard to really get into. I felt like the characters and the story were introduced late and it made it hard to stay interested in the beginning and then it just felt slow as it progressed. It wasn‘t horrible, but I didn‘t love it.
Because I loved the other V.E. or Victoria Schwab series I have read, I had to read this one. It is a completely new premise of what happens after death. Very imaginative. Mackenzie has a tough job for a teenager. This series is way more YA than the other three series of hers that I read but it's still a good read.
[#BookReview] The Archived by Victoria Schwab. I am slowly getting through all of Schwab‘s books and I am loving it! This series is one I have had on my kindle for so long so I am happy I finally read it. I loved it. I had a few minor gripes but overall it‘s another example of why I am always gushing about Schwab‘s books and writing style. 📖🗝
A perfect Fall weekend if you ask me... #veschwab #vengeful #thearchived #thegraveyardbook
This month‘s book haul brought to you by Thrift Books 😂 all but 2 of these books came from them and now I‘ve collected all of Schwab‘s earlier works (I had already picked up her first book, The Near Witch from Thrift Books a while back). If you‘re looking for some older editions of books, or just some good quality used books, check them out!
Only one of Schwab's books I haven't read now 😁 (well and it's sequel)
#spellyournamewithbooks I had to include as many Schwab books as possible cause I find it incredibly amazing to share a name with my favorite author 🖤.
3.25/5 ⭐️ This book doesn‘t blow your mind. You‘ll want more but it doesn‘t happen. Until the end. The end is good.
Really enjoyed The Archived - I'm a big fan of her books and this was had a nice and interesting twist on libraries and ghosts. Excited to get the sequel and read on. Featuring a sleepy Zeus #dogsoflitsy
Why did it take me so long to start this book??? It was brilliant, kept me on my toes. I also love that Ms. Schwab signed it for me last week too 😁🚪🚪🗝🗝
Heading through to Edinburgh tonight for a V. E. Schwab event 🖤🖤
This is a fun YA fantasy. I'm not usually big on fantasy but I love the way this one is anchored in realism and I love the way it deals with death. Its one of my #ReadHarder books (#task15), read a YA or middle grade novel by an author who identifies as LGBT+.
Just finished this charming book. I devoured it in a couple of sittings so...I must have enjoyed it!
My slightly water damaged current read because it took a partial dunk in our paddling pool.
Pick pick pick! 5 ⭐️. I went into this book knowing nothing about it and was absolutely riveted. This book was all INTRIGUE! It kept me guessing and always surprised! I cannot say enough good things, except that you need to just read this. People die and their memories and body are Archived. There are people who protect them from escaping back to the world and now the system is failing! Of course a love story thrown in. Perfection!
These books were amazing! I know at one time there was a sequel planned, but I don't know if there is still one planned anymore. 😔 #sequelplease #aprilbookshowers
Up next on my TBR list is The Archived. I've heard really good things, but never got around to reading it! #catsoflitsy #cat #yabooks
~"Staying busy isn't exactly a problem right now.~
I saw this on Facebook and thought I'd give it a go. It pretty fun and for some reason the sentence that came up for me didn't surprise me at all ?. Try for yourself and comment what you got!
Picked this beauty up after a few months of not reading at all. I left this books somewhere right in the middle but the moment I started reading again I was again completely immersed in the story! Can't wait to finish it soon!!
I actually enjoyed this more than I anticipated. I've read two other works by Schwab, and was happy with them, but not blown away. I liked that The Archived kept me guessing. Rarely do I form a hypothesis about the plot of a book and end up completely wrong. The characters were enjoyable, but sometimes I wanted more. I'll still be picking up The Unbound to finish out this series.
Only 60 pages in but I love love love the writing. Can't wait to see where this story goes.
I have not actually picked this book up yet, but I want to read a Victoria Schwab book so badly!!
"You‘ll mess up, you‘ll make mistakes, you‘ll break things. Some you‘ll be able to piece together, and others you‘ll lose. That‘s all a given. But there‘s only one thing you have to do for me.”
“What‘s that?”
“Stay alive long enough to mess up again."
Finished this suddenly last night, had no idea I was that close to the end, it really took me by surprise! At first I was upset because I wanted a few more things to be wrapped up, then I swiped to the next page and discovered this is the first of a series! Woohoo! I really enjoyed this book!
My new Kindle came yesterday! AND due to severe storms yesterday there is no power at work, so I get to spend most of the day alone enjoying my new device!!
I'm 30% in and I am enjoying the read so far! I really like the premise of the Archive itself, and am eager to continue reading to find out more!