Has anyone read this??
Does anyone know if any online book clubs for young adult books?? Or would anyone be interested in starting one? I‘ve always wanted to join a book club.
Just a book and my boy. A good Saturday night right?
I‘ve read this series once before but it‘s been a while so here I am. Once again. Just like the first time. It‘s 2 am and I‘m crying my eyes out bc Nora told patch she no longer wants him as her guardian angel.
Even though I just finished this book for the second one time I‘m still blown away by it. It‘s honestly so amazing.
When you said one more chapter 3 hours ago and then look at the clock to see its last 1 am. Oops.
It‘s been so long since I‘ve gotten into a book like this. I‘ve started it this morning and can not put it down at all. I‘ve fallen so in love with this book. 😍😍😍
I sat the book down to grab something. Roll back over and she is sitting on top of it wanting to be petted 😂
I‘ve been so neglecting of my book these last few days. I‘m getting ready to go back to school, two days of orientation, and my birthday yesterday. I just haven‘t had the time. This afternoon I‘m curling up and reading until I fall asleep. 😂❤️
So I was reading the other day and my mom came back and asked. What‘s up with the paper clips? So I told her and thought I‘d share. So being s college student I struggle big time with finding tome to finish a book. It some times takes me weeks when it used to take me a day. I‘ll get home and I‘m tired. I think about the long chapters and decided. Read to the paper clip Instead of counting the pages. It honestly makes it seem so less intimidating
Hey y‘all!! So I turn 23 next week and the problem I seem to have is finding books that I enjoy that are for more adults. So any recommendations?? I‘m a huge fan of teen fiction, werewolves, vampires, demons, demon hunters but I just don‘t relate to a 16 year old girl anymore. I want books like that but they are geared toward my age. So help?
I told myself I‘d put the book down and get some sleep 6 chapters ago.
Getting no sleep tonight. The best thing I did was start the series by Kelley Armstrong