Seriously wondering how these dogs can sleep so much? Lol I like it for this readathon but never noticed just how much they sleep daily! #dogsoflitsy #24in48
Seriously wondering how these dogs can sleep so much? Lol I like it for this readathon but never noticed just how much they sleep daily! #dogsoflitsy #24in48
A bunch of thrillers (hopefully) that I‘ve picked up recently. Anyone read a good thriller lately???
Happy Friday!!✨📚
#thrillers #novel #fiction #paperback #shelfie #tbr #home #april #reading #books
Finished in a day. A bit of a slow start, but picked up toward the end. For the record, I pictured a young Benedict Cumberbatch the whole time I was reading this. #iamsherlocked #highfunctioningsociopath #doyourresearch
This was a good takeoff on Sherlock. James Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes meet in high school. James has a rough home life, and takes care of her 3 younger brothers. Sherlock is a strange sort Who falls for her. Trigger warnings for domestic violence. 4 ⭐️
Starting this today as one of my physical #TBRbingo slots. I'm thinking it's a YA takeoff on Sherlock and Moriarty. I'm going in!
It's past midnight on the 15th 😉😊
Look at all these pretties! New author and series to try, books from fave authors, and those socks... LOOK AT MY BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME SOCKS! Thank you so much @Alfoster and thanks to @Tiffy_Reads for organizing such a fun event.
Lock and Mori Review up on my blog!!!! 😄💙
Link in Bio!!!
#youngadult #lovestory #library #bookworm #booklover #yabooks #yalit #lit #booknerd #hardcovers #bookshelf #romance #junereads #fiction #bibliophile #bookspines #bookish #bookaholic #bookishaccount #igbook #igreads #bookishcrown #bookaholic #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookphotography
What an interesting re-envisioning of Sherlock! A quick and fast read. I'm a bit torn about making it a pick though because the prose didn't quite hold my attention and I found myself skimming it to get to the next plot point. But I have the sequel all queued up to go! #LitsyPartyOfOne #litcube
Dealing with the NM MVD all day today. I read most of this book while in waiting rooms and I still need to go back. Because after 4 trips with each new trip being told I needed more documentation, I was FINALLY told I also needed an emissions test before I could register my car. 😡
I thought the characters were great as long as you aren't expecting them to fall totally in line with tv or book characters. At times this proved frustrating because the Sherlock I know would react differently. I don't think the book is written badly, i actually really enjoyed watching their relationship unfold. I also enjoyed that she was the focus despite my love for Sherlock. I say go for it if you are looking for a quick read.
The best thing about this book was that it was a quick read. It seemed liked Sherlock was the side kick & a barely realized kinda lame Sherlock at that. Mori was frustrating and a terrible decision maker. The romance was far too rushed - what's wrong with building to it through friendship ya'll? The story was interesting if quite dark and the book was readable but the characters weren't great and I won't be reading the rest of the series.
*~* DEAL ALERT! *~*
If you've been seeing a lot about #litcube on here and have been wanting to try it out, here's your chance to do so without paying full price!
Reviews are so awkward for me. I read for the pleasure of reading, I don't like to nit-pick books. I enjoyed this story and now I'm starting the second book 'Mind Games'. 4.5⭐️
I like her view on #feminism. This quote hit home for me; "Only those who have never felt powerless can afford to think like you."
I did not really enjoy last months #litcube (they sent Gryffindor stuff to a Ravenclaw) but I'm definitely digging this months! I just started this book last night but I'm really liking it so far! I think my bestie will really enjoy this series.
A fresh new spin on Sherlock Holmes. I especially enjoyed the take on Moriarty. He is one of my favorite literary villains (Andrew Scott in BBC's Sherlock is perfection) so it was interesting to see him as a teenage girl. It was a fairly fast paced, easy read & I loved getting pulled into the mystery.
Took my oldest nephew to see Rogue One today so of course I had to rock the Star Wars socks! He didn't enjoy it but that is probably because he has never seen the original trilogy. He thought it was a sequel to Force Awakens. On the other hand, I really enjoyed it & must find a K-2SO of my very own. The droids are always my favorite 😀 Now to kick back & relax before I head off to dreamland.
I've been reading this book since March. It took over 100 pages to get into and feel the rush of the story.
Fanservice galore. A female Moriarty makes a Lock/Mori pair more mainstream and the modern day teen angle was done well. All in all, a nice new modern take on this with a solid and original mystery. Bought it on sale for the Kindle and will probably wait for a sale on the second book.
Yet another good spin on a modern day YA version of Sherlock Holmes. I didn't like it as much as A Study In Charlotte, but I'm still looking forward to the next installment. #HelloOctober
I enjoyed this one. It's not a Sherlock Holmes story, but rather a James Moriarty story. Her character is developed well and you can see how she could later become Sherlock's greatest adversary. I don't know that that's the case for this universe but in cannon that's true (although Moriarty isn't female in cannon). I particularly liked the depiction of how complicated relationships can be, even for young people.
So...it stormed for three seconds, which is typical in Central Texas. I've used it as an excuse to shut down my work for awhile and finish this book, which is good because I just got a reminder from the library that it's due back soon. I do not like that Sherlock is a litterbug. Also, why is he smoking at such a young age?
Part of my library haul. I've decided to not put anymore books on hold until my stack is smaller so I guess I'd better hurry and read some of them. I love, love, love Sherlock Holmes. I have since I was a child. And I really like the idea of Moriarty being different than in cannon. I think it's a good way to update the stories for today's reader.
Got disgusted by the Hemlock Grove's author and started this up again. (McCreepy sexts underage girls and writes articles about it. So gross.)
#recommendsday #mademecry #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
Lock & Mori (German name: My Dear Sherlock - How it Began) definitely made me cry at various times and left me a sad, happy, excited, angry mess in the best way. It makes you cry because of at least one of the different plot lines or maybe all of them...
So much fan service! And I do love me some well written fan service. I needed a distraction because salivating over Halloween book bingo. This is doing it. And pleases me.
This is my all time favorite book.It has mind games, intellect, action, love, aesthetic, Britishness and characters I can relate really well to.The German edition is beautiful and Londonish!The character development is essential to the novel and so well done. There is no cheesy teen romance in there