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Lick | Kylie Scott
22 posts | 78 read | 18 to read
Waking up in Vegas was never meant to be like this. Evelyn Thomas's plans for celebrating her twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas were big. Huge. But she sure never meant to wake up on the bathroom floor with a hangover to rival the black plague, a very attractive half-naked tattooed man in her room, and a diamond on her finger large enough to scare King Kong. Now if she could just remember how it all happened.In Kylie Scott's "Lick," one thing is certain: being married to one of the hottest rock stars on the planet is sure to be a wild ride.
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Lick | Kylie Scott
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Book #1 in the Stage Dive series. I have already read 2 and 3. Enjoyed it and now that I have read, wonder what took me so long to get to it since I had read others in the series. While I in no way think it depicts rock star life, it is fiction after all, I liked the characters and was invested from the very beginning. Now I want to finish this series.

#SeriesLove2024 @andrew65
Book 3 of #AwesomeApril readathon.

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Lick | Kylie Scott
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I‘m pretty sure I‘ve read this before. But I really needed a break from the heavy murdery books I‘ve been reading, so I though a fun romance would be nice. And it was. Hot and steamy in a all the right places, and a main character who makes me laugh out loud.

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Lick: Stage Dive 1 | Kylie Scott
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I found and read book one of this series and LOVED David and Ev‘s story. Really recommend this series! Great easy read.

Lick | Kylie Scott
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#letstraveljuly @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620 #concert I love music romances and this one is fun- the MC wakes up with no memory of the night before - it looks like she got married in Vegas to a world famous musician - one who wants to make a concerted effort to stay married...see what I did there?

OriginalCyn620 👌🏻😊🎶🎶🎶 5y
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Lick | Kylie Scott
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I bought this book a couple days ago and it‘s been on my mind since then, guess I should read it!

CoverToCoverGirl That‘s a fun series. ❣️ 5y
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Lick | Kylie Scott
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I needed a book that #FeaturesAMusician for #Booked2019. I also needed a quick palate cleanser after GWTW, so I pulled this one from my ‘General Smuttiness‘ shelf on GRs, since—hear me out— the love interest is the sexy, bad-boy guitarist of a rock band.

- has the usual tropes for rock star romance 🙄
- fast, fun and 🔥
- heroine is not annoying
- this totally counts for the prompt
- guy on cover should look more like Syn Gates 😍


brit91 I loved this book! A lot her books are good! 5y
Cinfhen ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ 5y
mabell How ironic! I was just thinking the other day - Jenni hasn‘t been throwing in any steamy books lately ... 🤣🤣 5y
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sprainedbrain @mabell I was due, Elizabeth! 😂 5y
mabell @sprainedbrain Gotta keep that balance! 😆 5y
Reggie Lol, I‘m gonna stack this one for the next time after something heavy. 5y
LauraBrook I loved this whole series. Still need to get to the Dive Bar series that comes after this one too. Glad you liked it!!! 5y
sprainedbrain @Reggie it‘s a perfect smut-break book! 5y
sprainedbrain @brit91 @LauraBrook I stacked the next one in the series. 🙌🏻 5y
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Lick | Kylie Scott
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I‘ve seen this book recommended to me before, but I‘d always been wary of it because of the title. The title just sounded way too cheesy, even though it had lots of good reviews. Finally decided to give it a try on audiobook and man, so far I‘m loving it! It is also the first time I‘m listening to a “steamy” book on audio, which I always thought would be weird, but the narrator does a great job! #romance #romantsy

Lick | Kylie Scott
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I'm reading and enjoying Stephen King's It right now but I don't like to read that right before bed (😱) so I worked in a nice little contemporary #romantsy to help combat potential nightmares, haha.

I really enjoyed this book! Perfect rockstar romance 🎸❤️ with a good amount of 🔥

Tera0707 Yes!! That series is awesome! Especially Mal‘s story (but he‘s my fave 😉) 6y
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Lick | Kylie Scott
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I liked this one - the premise made me a little nervous, but I should have believed 😀 It was a sweet and quick book and I really liked the secondary characters as well. #romantsy #romance

Shaila Love the cover! 7y
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Lick | Kylie Scott
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Look at my shelf😍😍

#nov📷📚 #emojinov 🎼 Stage Dive series by Kylie Scott
#noteworthynovember cult clasdic
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
@Jess7 @RealLifeReading

#books #shelves #shelf #stagedive #kyliescott #janeausten #prideandprejudice #litsybooks #litsylove

Tamra So pretty! 7y
maich @Tamra Thanks💛 7y
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Lick | Kylie Scott
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Book gift is the best gift.😍 I have the best sister on the world. She bought me the whole Stage Dive series.❤❤❤

#lick #play #lead #deep #stagedive #kyliescott #romance #naromance #newadult #romantsy #beautifulcover #paperback #slovenianedition #menoncover #goodreads #bookworm #bookaddict #booklover #litsybooks #litsylove

LauraBrook I read the first one and really liked it! ❤️ 7y
maich @LauraBrook In Slovenia are popular. I hope that I like it😂 7y
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Lick | Kylie Scott

Really enjoyed reading this and can't wait for more Mal!

Lick | Kylie Scott
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Love this series! I'm typically not into rock star/celeb romances, but Kylie Scott was highly recommended by a friend and I'm glad I listened. Well written, multidimensional characters, and they're all just regular people. Even the world-famous rock stars are only human, with issues and baggage. Great secondary characters as well. #romantsy #fanart

Lick | Kylie Scott
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It's not that I didn't like this book, I'm just not in the right head space to read it currently. I made it most of the way through, but I just had ~25 books come in on hold for me and I'm way more excited about reading them than the thought of continuing on with this right now. 😥 I may very well pick this up again some other time.

Lick | Kylie Scott
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This was another seminal book for me - I discovered #rockstarromance was a Thing when I found this book, and it's been on my re-read list ever since @EloisaJames put it in her BN column! #februaryisforromantsy #romantsy #meghanreadsromantsy

CoffeeK8 This book is how I discovered rockstar romances too! 7y
Pinkmeghan @CoffeeK8 awesome! 🙌 7y
LauraBrook I'm next on the hold list at my library for this book. Can't wait! 7y
Pinkmeghan @LauraBrook omg I'm so jealous right now! Make sure you have the next book in the series on request for when you're done!! 😍 7y
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Lick | Kylie Scott
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After reading a short story by this author I actually assumed this story would be erotica rather than NA - should read the blurbs more carefully. Anyway, I'm not a fan of the seemingly predominant style in NA of sex heavy stories that don't build on the characters enough and this suffered heavily from NA trope-itis. If you like the current NA style then this would be a great book to read. Not for me. #romansty #osrbc

Lick | Kylie Scott

I enjoyed this one! It's definitely a strong start to the Stage Dive Series.

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Bin eine Ewigkeit um dieses Buch rum geschlichen bis ich es doch gekauft habe. Ich bin gespannt :D

Lick | Kylie Scott
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I devoured this book, I admit. On one level, I loved it. On another level, I only just liked it. Lick has several layers—sex, foul language and a story. The sex is par for the course with these romance type stories & it seems that the foul language was an added bonus. If you removed the sex & f-bombs there would still be a decent story. This isn't a memorable book, but the storyline and writing are good—it definitely is a quick and fun read.

Lick | Kylie Scott
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For book 2 of #readathon, things are going to get a little steamy around here

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Lick | Kylie Scott
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Loves this book. Book 1 in the Stage Dive Series. I think it's my favourite out of the series.

MissMeli Loved this series!! 8y
Libraryninja25 Me too! Starting a re-read. 8y
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Lick | Kylie Scott
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Slipped up at the book store today and yesterday. But it's ok. Hah. Excited for all of these but weirdly pumped for Lick. Can't start any until I finish a gathering of shadows and start my book club books though.

missarixreads So many great books in that stack! 😍 8y
youngish-adult ❤️📚😍 8y
TapperToo Oh, just give me Mal! 8y
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