Believe the hype. It's that good.
This book was sooooo good!!!! Linked stories featuring a hard-to-like but very real female protag. So many gut-punch moments; sparsely written, beautiful sentences; spot-on descriptions of NYC, addiction, narcissism, loneliness. Reminded me of a few other favorite linked stories (included in the comments). Would love to hear your recs. NB: Care Bear pic has nothing to do with the book, but it's fab and I was looking for an occasion to share it.
Bought this at B&N today and sooo excited to start it. However, I am confused as to how B&N is able to sell this when the publication date is March 7th...?
Totally creepy, utterly heartbreaking and so damn compelling...I loved this book! Dying to discuss the ending; please someone out there, tell me you've read this so we can share deets!
I suck at writing reviews so I'm just gonna give you the straight-up poop: READ THIS BOOK NOW. Seriously, if you buy this & don't like it, I will send you a puppy or a kitten. Although if you don't like this, chances are you're a heartless person who doesn't like puppies or kittens anyway.
So sad to hear about Anna Dewdney's death. What a wonderfully talented author; my daughter loves her Baby Llama series. #WWW #penguinkids
#workplacebooks Any other epidemiologists out there?
Thanks, Megan Abbott. I won't let my daughter even mention the word "cheerleader" in our house. Now gymnastics too?!? Please stop writing such good books, or soon my 5 year old will be living in a plastic bubble!
Come on, Bruce Springsteen, you are interfering with my reading.
Meh. I know I am the minority here, but I was not blown away. I usually love Courtney Summers, and I will certainly give a big, huge, loud HELL YEAH to any book that takes on our pervasive rape culture. But I thought some of the characters/scenes were cliche. I just wanted a bit more from this one.
Mine is true crime. I blame my mom, because I used to sneak read her Ted Bundy and Charles Manson books when I was in grade school. I am totes loving Beyond Obsession. Thank you, NetGalley and Open Road Media; I will be shouting this winner from the rooftops for sure!
My #WWW pick is Hannah Pittard. Reunion is one of my favorite books, and thanks to #NetGalley, I just finished her latest book (novella? It was only 208 pages). Review coming soon. Love this wonderfully talented woman!
Used my 20% B&N coupon to add to my daughter's future graphic novel collection.
I signed up for NetGalley & was quickly approved for ARCs. I am not a blogger, but I promised to share honest reviews. I've read & given brief reviews on 3/5 ARCs. I requested new books and got nothing :( Am I doing something wrong? Do they wait until you finish all books? Do they want long reviews?
Hands down, my favorite book of the year. Utterly fascinating and deeply disturbing history of psychosurgery, featuring a patient whose horrific surgical procedure shaped memory science, and written by the grandson of the neurosurgeon who performed the controversial procedure. So, so, SO good!
I've read my daughter Little Critter dozens of times, but never noticed this before. I guess he is happy to see me?
Halfway in: if this holds up, it will be my favorite book of 2016. Similar to Henrietta Lacks but in the world of neurology. The above quotes are about experimenting on humans to learn about brain function. There are paragraphs in this book that make me gasp out loud. Holy feel the feels, batman.
An enthusiastic thumbs up! Dark Matter is the perfect summer book: fast-paced, smart and utterly satisfying. I suggest going into it without reading too many reviews; it's a blast to discover things alongside the protagonist. Get it now, pour yourself a tall one, and hold on for the ride!
What's that noise? Why, it's me, screaming with joy over my new read. DARK MATTER, PEOPLE!! I am so flipping excited!
I am kind of torn; the writing is wonderful, the characters are complex, the central mystery is intriguing. But the book took a slight detour that for me, only served as a distraction (don't want to spoil). I would def recommend reading this, but it will not make my top ten list for 2016.
Raining at the beach, but who cares? I have a great book to read!! Been so excited for this thanks to @SavidgeReads
So far I am loving this!!! And that is as eloquent as I get at 11pm post-holiday weekend.
I refuse!!! Me too!!
This book. Oh, this book. I want to hop on the next flight to Australia just so I can stare at Charlotte Wood, and maybe breath some of the same air that produced her awesomeness. That's not too creepy, right?
I have been waiting FOREVER for this book and it's being released at 12:01 tonight! *squeal*
This is one of those books you will either love or hate. But here's the thing: even if you don't love a book, if it stays with you and makes you think, then it was worth reading. Agree or disagree? And this is a book that will stay with you and make you think. *chills*
Fun Friday Photo! I love books with unlikeable characters. Bonus points for spunky, badass gals. Winter's Bone, Love Me Back, Rainey Royal, Bastard Out of Carolina, Unbecoming...and my two recent faves: Sweetbitter and Young God. @Liberty
Oh, the heartbreak! I've been waiting forever for this book. It started great, but quickly became a struggle not to DNF. It's all very confusing to me; fascinating plot, beautifully structured sentences, dimensional characters. Wtf happened, why didn't this work? Don't hate me for not liking it.