Trying to get back in to the habbit of reading with this random airport purchase. Hope this semi accurate scientific snuff will do the trick.
Trying to get back in to the habbit of reading with this random airport purchase. Hope this semi accurate scientific snuff will do the trick.
"What happens to demonic beings when immigrants move from their homelands? Irish-Americans remember the fairies, Norwegian-Americans the nisser, Greek-Americans the vrykólakas, but only in relation to events remembered in the Old Country. When I once asked why such demons are not seen in America,my informant giggled confusedly and said “They‘re scared to pass the ocean, it‘s too far,”pointing out that Christ and the apostles never came to America"
This was...just...so...Meh.
I wasn't on Litsy for weeks, just because I was forcing myself through this book. It's not the book, it's probably me... I'm mainly glad that it is over :)
Below, a photo from my run this morning, to be somewhat supportive of this book.
This books feels like a ticket into Anna Kendrik's head. I had fun in there, I do recommend it.
Kendrik is one of the only actresses who radiates character aaand that might be the reason I actually bothered with listening to her ~30 smtn year old~ memoir. I'm not mutch into actors or actresses but hey, she's funny, nonbasic. 5 kittens out of 5.
Thanks to Scribd for this one, hence they completely ignored my request to cancel my subscription.
"Having to fight for the thing you want doesn't mean you deserve it any less. "
Love the artwork on the cover. Wish it wasn't a hardcover though.
"There‘s a whole big world full of sensible balanced people, what‘s so goddamn inspiring about any of them? "
I'm on p272 and I decide that after 170 pages for the day,I can't bear the idea of finishing this book today.
Fast forward to day after,I'm about to finish my first beer and pick up the book again.
P287 and I already teared upped ones,I need another beer.
P291,I decide that I need a break..
3 beers in,I finish the book.
Record time for me - 3 days only.
I try to prolong it a bit by reading the "Acknowledgments"chapter, but it's only 2 pages long.
Those remind me of myself 12 years ago, I just met a guy that is now my husband.
We were both in school, completely submerged in to art,music and each other. Trying hard not to disappoint.
"Just before she fell asleep in my arms,I whispered in her ear that I hoped I would never stop exciting her."
"She told me that Neurosis was the best show she‘s ever seen and that Lungfish is her favorite band. I will now commit every Lungfish song to memory"
"That's the punk mentality, always shooting yourself in the foot before even taking the first step. "
- In photo : Blackbird Raum, 2016. [Take note of the legendary AMPLIFIED WASHBOARD!!!]
"I'll go there because I have nowhere and no one else to go to.
I'll leave because it will not be where I belong.
What once felt so right will now feel all wrong. "
"Show spaces were supposed to be open to everyone regardless of age, race, class, sex or sexual preference, but for the most part it was just white kids oblivious to the privilege they came from."
*About 'Smells like teen spirit'*
"...Frontman Kurt Cobain singlehandedly calloused a whole generation of tiny fingers with those opening notes..."
It was 1985 and I was five years old, still young enough to think the lyrics to Madonna's song "Material Girl" were "I am a Cheerio girl."
Okay, okay.... I'm on page 7 out of 351 and I'm already super inspired and even willing to go and study for my dreaded GRE test. Just couple more pages 😎🛀💪📚
The novel is narrated by a young boy, self-described as a mathematician with behavioral difficulties. It should be a mystery novel but fairly quickly turns into a day to day struggle of a brilliant boy that isn‘t adapted well enough to co-exist with others. The story is touching and innocent but in a way I was just sort of annoyed with the narration style and the lack of “action” ; as extraordinary as this boy is, his story isn't.
"And 1% of an eye is better than no eye..."
XD The kid has a perfectly good understanding of evolution and biology.
"Eventually scientists will discover something that explains ghosts, just like the discovered electricity, which explained lightening...And then ghosts won't be mysteries. They will be like electricity and rainbows and nonstick frying pans. "
~ I really hate the way Litsy forces a crop on an image ~
This story is over for me but forever will stay in my mind. It was so beautifully told that I had to halt myself from posting too many quotes out of it.
It's about being a female in a mans world, it's about being a man in a demanding and unfair surrounding and about being human while still defining what it means to be human. It's a distopian tale that sound so much like our present that it'll haunt me from now on.
"Better never means better for everyone, he says. It always means worse, for some..."
"Why is it that night falls, instead of rising, like the dawn? Yet if you look east, at sunset, you can see night rising, not falling; darkness lifting into the sky, up from the horizon, like a black sun behind cloud cover. Like smoke from an unseen fire, a line of fire just below the horizon, brushfire or a burning city. Maybe night falls because it's heavy, a thick curtain pulled up over the eyes..."
"There I sit in the chair, with the lights off, in my red dress, hooked and buttoned. You can think clearly only with your clothes on. "
"So that's what's in the forbidden room! Scrabble! I want to laugh, shriek with laughter, fall off my chair..."
"I feel like cotton candy: sugar and air. Squeeze me and I'd turn into a small sickly damp wad of weeping pinky-red."
"In reduced circumstances you have to believe all kinds of things..."
"...If I have an egg, what more can I want? In reduced circumstances the desire to live attaches itself to strange objects..."
"We were the people who were not in the papers. We lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of print. It gave us more freedom. We lived in the gaps between the stories."
"...But maybe boredom is erotic, when women do it, for men..."
"Nothing changes instantaneously: in a gradually heating bathtub you'd be boiled to death before you knew it. "
"Well, it is always easier to succeed at death."
-Google pics-
"I cant fully blame alcohol and drugs for my behavior, it was natural extension of my class clown cries for acceptance and my love of all things anti establishment."
Pic from the Dailymail or smth.
Meh.... This coming of age story of a psychopath in a dysfunctional family didn't impress me much. The ending was amazing though so I guess the 200 pages before it were worth it.
"I believe that I decided if I could never become a man, I – the unmanned – would out-man those around me, and so I became the killer, a small image of the ruthless soldier-hero almost all I‘ve ever seen or read seems to pay strict homage to." -Google pics-
"Every kid tests his or her boundries when they first leave home.I just happened to leave home in a van full of punks with a homemade tattoo gun."
-Google pics-
"Of course, I know how small a piece of land it is; I‘m not a fool. I know the size of the planet and just how minuscule is that part of it I know. I‘ve watched too much television and seen too many nature and travel programmes not to appreciate how limited my own knowledge is in terms of first-hand experience of other places;but I don‘t want to go farther afield, I don‘t need to travel or see foreign climes or know different people...
Any punk band from 80's LA scene will have plenty of stories to write a memoir. What makes this one good is the great way it's written, the language used to describe repulsive details of their adventures, the storyline and the rainbow of emotions it evokes.
It was an opportunity to take a glimpse of a more hardcore punk life that could have been mine in another dimension where I'd be born 15 y earlier and in LA and not in TLV. Yeah, RIGHT.
A disclaimer, I listened to this book and the over melancholic tone of the narrator probably contributed to the pontifical disdain that I felt.
I'm a sucker for drama and horrid disgusting details but I just felt like this story was shooting in the dark with all the adjectives describing feelings and speculations rather than deeds or events. Not a waste of time but could be so much better.
Car broke down?
NP, I'll just walk for 40 min to work and back since Scribd is still working fine. Just FINE.
"That was part of being a girl--you were resigned to whatever feedback you'd get. If you got mad, you were crazy, and if you didn't react, you were a bitch. The only thing you could do was smile from the corner they'd backed you into. Implicate yourself in the joke even if the joke was always on you."
"I tattooed a decent looking spider on a girl's ribcage , but it was ruined when a nasty infection radiated out of it.
I wasn't sterilizing the needle - it went from person to person, junkie to junkie.
One of the guys from Subculture ended up with an ace of spades that got so gnarly and pus-riddled it made him look like patient zero for a new strain of smallpox. "
"Either they walk fast or they run slowly, that‘s what joggers do. It‘s a forty-year-old man‘s way of telling the world that he can‘t do anything right."
"A Man Called Ove: A Novel" by Fredrik Backman.
This, is a book about zombies. And these are fast-rabid type of zombies, not the lazy ex couch potatoes TWD type.
But...It's almost 2017, and binaries like this are not cool anymore.
So this is also a book about humanity and instincts, morals, values and all that. I especially enjoyed the way that the story wasn't too obvious and had a very eerie feel to it. Thanks to it's fast pace I binge read it in less than a week and was never bored.
"Politicians hoping to be the heroes of the coming human Renaissance made speeches over them and broke champagne bottles off their bows.
They were launched with tears and prayers and poems and exordiums.
Into oblivion."
"We did not desire or dread the boys in themselves, we only desired and dreaded being wanted or not being wanted."
This is my final post related to it and I feel like it's a farewell that I don't feel fully comfortable to confront yet.
I lovedhated it. It made me tear up on Pacifica beach,zero f*cks given if anyone sees me,it legitimized every emotion I had with clear ideas articulated by an 8 year old boy that faces the harsh reality of being alive. It's confusing, depressing and beautiful and original. It doesn't provide closure but life itself is like that.
"I spent my life learning to feel less.
Every day I felt less.
Is that growing old? Or is it something worse?"