They always say “never trust a book by its cover” but this is one of the dopest covers I have ever seen. Let‘s see how the read goes. ✌🏼 #scifi #paperback #bookcover #aevanvogt #wizard
They always say “never trust a book by its cover” but this is one of the dopest covers I have ever seen. Let‘s see how the read goes. ✌🏼 #scifi #paperback #bookcover #aevanvogt #wizard
I will be honest, this book is taking me longer than it should to read!! #stephenking #darktower #wizardandglass
Just finished reading the sequel to my favorite book. It started off a little upsetting to me but as the story leveled up, so did my appreciation for the continuation Ernest Cline created. I read poor reviews prior to reading, but don‘t buy into the hype, this is a great read!
So, I hit a wall with #darktower book four and had to take a break. I‘m glad I did! I‘m only about 60 pages into this new story from #ErnestCline and I really dig it so far. I may not like where Wade is at the moment, but I‘m excited to see his journey. #readyplayerone is my favorite book so this was a must read.
I LOVE when a book I‘m reading crosses over with a book I LOVE! It has happened multiple times in this series but this one really got me! I whited out the book name so there wasn‘t any spoilers...but if you know...you know. ✌🏼
Is there anything better than coffee and books!? #stephenking #coffeeandbooks #coffee #paperback #darktower #gunslinger #horrorbooks #pocketbook
The story moves forward and the pain goes on. Blain the pain, but how long will the story go...until the train runs out of tracks and away our ka-tet go? Just finished The Wastelands and I‘ve cracked open Wizard and Glass. #stephenking #darktower #epicnovels #horrorbooks
The last thing I wrote about this book was more of a negative than a positive, however people began to rally around the book saying how great it was so I dig my heels in and read from page 356 to page 700 in under a week, boy am I glad I did! I ended up really enjoying this story and I am starting the next book right now. I will say that the middle of The Wastelands drug on a lot and was rather boring but redemption came in the end.
Just curious, what is everyone‘s favorite #stephenking book? I‘ve read more Stephen king than any other author. He is my moms favorite writer so I remember seeing her curled up on the couch, lost in a king book day after day and it made me want to read. Now I do the same thing with his books. My favorite is The Stand due to its in depth story with twists of emotion sprinkled all through it. #spookystories #horror #horrorbooks #thestand #scarybook
Hard to put down! I read this book in just over a week and it would have been read faster had not work and family gotten in the way!
It is hard to explain the book without giving away any spoilers so I will just say this, it is one of the leaders in the science fiction genre and for good reason. It captured the struggles and pain of a boy desperately wanting to be a child but with the responsibility of a hero on his shoulders.
Stephen King is one of my favorite writers as well as the author I have read the most from. I will be the first to say however, it typically takes me a while to get sucked into his stories, all though once I am in, I am in deep. That was not the case with The Dead Zone. This was a fun exciting read from the first letter to the last punctuation. For anyone thinking about reading a Stephen King book for the first time, this is my recommendation.
An inspirational book for anyone with a drifters spirit. A look into the life of a young man who‘s desire to find himself was greater than his need to conform. All though some see this as a tragic story about the end to a young mans life, I see it his as a beautiful story of discovery that ends too soon. (I don‘t think this is a spoiler as the books starts with this information and it‘s literally on the cover, I apologize if I‘m wrong)
Ready Player One is my go to book at this point. I make it a point to read this once a year and not one time have I regretted it. If you love the 80s and pulp culture this is will be your new favorite book. It is an easy read with a huge pay off full of Easter eggs.
This book actually got me into the Stephen King universe (and what a universe it is). It started off a bit slow as I have learned many of King‘s books do, but by the end of the book I was ready to continue my path to the Dark Tower. I am on the third book in the series and so far The Gunslinger has been my favorite.
I‘ve been reading The Dark Tower series and I‘m on book 3 so far and halfway through it. I have to say this book is a chore to read at this point. I‘m not sure if I‘m the only one with this issue but as someone who always has a need to finish a book/series...this has been rough. (Also, sorry for the “book abuse” photo. I like these pocket sized books because I literally keep them in my back pocket so they tend to get a bit wore out.)