Reading with a cat can be hard sometimes, but was able to finish Deathly Hallows tonight! Super biased towards the Harry Potter series overall so not sure how much it counts but still loved it. So many great moments in this one.
Reading with a cat can be hard sometimes, but was able to finish Deathly Hallows tonight! Super biased towards the Harry Potter series overall so not sure how much it counts but still loved it. So many great moments in this one.
Currently listening to! As cliche as it is Harry Potter was the series that got me into reading and Order of the Phoenix was the first book I ever preordered. I‘ve read the first four a couple of times but for some reason this is my first reread of this one since it came out. It‘s always been my favorite in the series so interested to see if I still enjoy it as much.
Just finished the audio for the first Dresden Files book, Storm Front. I‘ve heard so much about The Dresden Files and was really looking forward to reading it but it didn‘t work for me for some reason. I may give the second book a chance at some point though we‘ll see.
I was a little unsure about Shutter after the second volume, but I really enjoyed the story in the third one. Hoping the next two are just as good!
I was lucky enough to attend a speaking event with Neil Gaiman and while I didn‘t meet him this time, I picked up a signed copy of Norse Mythology! The paperback copy is so beautiful. He read a short story from it and now I can‘t wait to read it.
This little bookmark! I love that it stays on the front of your book the whole time plus it‘s super cute. Definitely going to get some more designs. #bookmarks
“We all just want to be people, and none of us know what that really means.”
Also recently finished The Giver series. The Giver has been a favorite book of mine since middle school and one of the few required reading books I loved. For some reason I never picked up the other books in the series but I‘m so glad I finally did. Though Son might have been my least favorite I loved all three of them. It was interesting seeing more of the world and some of the different areas.
Somehow I missed reading these when I was younger so reading them now for the first time. The adults are horrible of course and it‘s a little darker than I thought but still enjoying them.
"What I say is, a town isn't a town without a bookstore. It may call itself a town, but unless it's got a bookstore, it knows it's not fooling a soul."
My yearly road trip is one month away and I'm currently dreaming of all the bookstores along the route.
Starting the audio for Listen Slowly and using the Libby app for the first time which I'm loving. So much better than the old Overdrive app.
I've read more this year than I have in a while which is definitely nice because I have a long to read list to get to. I finished both of these today and though they are wildly different from each other I enjoyed them and wished that both had been longer. I especially enjoyed the world Lowry created in Gathering Blue and would have loved to learn more about it.
It took me a while to finish this and I was iffy at first, but it ended up being a great read. Thanks to this book and Between Shades of Grey, I've learned that I really enjoy historical fiction. For both books, I actually wasn't aware of the events that occurred before reading so it was interesting to have that added level of learning also while reading a fiction book.
I just finished listening to this and while it's not horrible, it just wasn't for me. I've never been able to get drawn into stories that mostly deal with drugs and somehow missed that, that is what this book is completely about. Decent writing, just didn't find myself caring about anyone really.
Currently reading the Southern Reach Trilogy. The covers caught my eye first and I was happy to find that the story was interesting too. Just finished book one, now on to book two!
The Sand Warriors is probably my favorite middle grade comic I've read in a while. I initially picked it up because of the art but luckily the story was good too especially for a first volume. I can't wait to find out more.
Starting another read through of the Harry Potter books for the Pottermore book club and I'm loving this illustrated edition so far. Probably my favorite edition I own!
Slowly trying to read all the Adventure Time comics. Banana Guard Academy got a little weird in the 5th issue but that's pretty much what I expect from Adventure Time.
I had no idea going in that this was only a three volume series. I'm loving it so far so I'm kind of sad it's not longer, but also glad I can read it all at once. I really enjoyed volume 2 so I'm excited to start the last volume tomorrow.
I'm not sure what took me so long but I just recently discovered the joy of listening to audiobooks. Spending my Friday listening to this one!
I read this book a couple of years ago and decided it was time for a reread. Still love this entry!
The cover for this book was beautiful, but I especially loved how cool the endpapers were. The book itself is not something that will blow you away, but it is a fun read for any X-Files fan! As much as I was unsure about it before I really enjoyed reading Mulders origin story.
It took me longer to read this one than her other books for some reason, but still loved it! The worlds in her stories are always so interesting and that cover 😍
I already have a set of the Harry Potter series, but couldn't pass these up. Mostly because I have a problem, but also because I didn't have all of them in hardcover!
First book of the year finished! One of my resolutions this year is to read more so I've set my Goodreads challenge and planned out what I'm reading for Book Riots Read Harder Challenge. I'm ready for 2017!
I've been wanting to read this for a while and was excited to see it included in the daily deals on Book Riot. I loved it but truly wish it could have been longer and expanded more on some of the points. As it is, it's a great introduction to feminism or a good reminder on why we do actually still need feminism. Definitely worth reading!
Last book of 2016 and my favorite in the Pottermore ebook series. Mainly because it had chapters on two of my favorite characters, Lupin and McGonagall!
Finally caught back up! I love this comic, the story so far is crazy and the art is beautiful. Especially the colors 😍
Tranny was an interesting insight into Laura Jane Graces life and career. As a fan of Against Me! I loved it, but I'm not sure it would hold the interest of someone who wasn't already aware of who they are.
Because of life and all the other usual excuses it took me a while to get through this book, but when I finally found some time to sit down and read I flew through it. Honestly so good and such an interesting concept!
I read Fantastic Beast when it first came out, but hadn't since so I thought it was time for a reread. I wish there were more illustrations but its great and a fun quick read.
I visited a couple of book stores today and found some great deals! Got all of these for around $20. Can't wait to read Sleeping Giants!
So dark and so pretty! The first few issues were a little confusing as the story took off quick but the added pages of backstory at the end helped. I enjoyed it overall and loved the art.
"We'd been trying to touch the sky from the bottom of the ocean. I realized that if we boosted one another, maybe we'd get a little closer."
I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about this one. Not a bad book at all, but I wasn't expecting all the gore. Overall though it was a good read.
Definitely a sad book but sometimes those are needed. Also, the pictures throughout the story are so neat.